I tbhink uits ,y birthay

Mar 12, 2006 02:40

omg i am, pretftu sutrfe i, fuernk. wer have beek ntop zeverl bars and trhey was lots of alcobho0el./ i cant reahy vby sh9irt but i., preety sure igvr had l0gtfas tr0o drjink./; christioe satys my shiert sayds 16'v drinkls. i havhy t0p br at homne ib mn 5 ho05urs ucz myt p;atrnets atre tkings ,e to bte bota. moehty m,oenty meotnyt. i l0vfe beingb 21ish. i hqve neert m,ade a frutnl post./ tpmn satys hi. hap[pr y bithsertaday tp0 me. qwooo!!!!!!!!!@!! o l;0bve ebertyone
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