Jun 24, 2006 01:54
part one: profanity/i hate my family/i have a large ass-
i hate my fucking family. i hate living with them. i hate seeing them every day. i hate my annoying bitch ass sister. i hate how immature and retarded she is. i hate how she fucking sits on my computer for extended periods of time and fucks with my shit. i hate her fucking hello kitty chair. i hate that she lives in my room dash i live in her room. i hate my fucking cousin who practically lives at my house. shes really trashy and dresses like a child prostitute. she fucking myspaces all the time. on my computer. duh. shes sleeping in my bed right now. fuck. that. shit. she eats all our food and im pretty sure she stole my bronzer. my family is so fucking generous to her and shes so fucking annoying. she's always fucking using my computer. honestly. what the fuck. i dont really hate my mom, even though she is a lazy bitch and never cooks me food. i also hate my fat ass/looking at it in the mirror. dear god. but most of all i hate my father. he is the biggest douche ever. he does alot for me ie drive me around, give me money, etc. but will throw that in my face every chance he gets. i hate looking at him, i hate hearing him speak, but most of all i hate that he wont fucking pay for me to horse show or lease.
part two: i hate my life for various reasons-
my life sucks horribly. it really does. i'm always fucking looking on the bright side of shit, but honestly my life sucks. i don't have a license so i have absolutly no freedom. i live in fucking jarrettsville and civilization is like 300 miles away. oh just kidding. there's a fucking high's down the road. a fucking high's. fuck high's. high's is on the bottom of the food chain of convenience stores. i mean at least give my a god damn 7-11. shit. of course there wouldnt be a wawa anywhere near me because heaven forbid something works out in my favor. somebody build me a fucking wawa. christ.
part three: i want to ride ponies/i'm poor-
all i wanted to do this summer was ride and horse show and it looks like i'm not even going to be able to do that. are you kidding me. i work at my three sons like twice a fucking week. i need fucking money. this is not going to work out. i'm going to have to get another fucking job. at least then i will have something to distract me from the horrible mess that is my life.
part four: fuck the DMV/i don't want to go back to wvu/i guess i'll just be an alcoholic as per usual-
oh and back to my license...pretty fucking fabulous i must say. 6 months of fucking alcohol classes and oh yeah i'm getting drug tested every week. hmm wow didn't i ALREADY FUCKING DO THAT? i seem to recall going to fucking drug classes for like nine fucking months of my life WHICH WAS ABSOLUTLY UNNECCESSARY/EXPENSIVE so sweet, i get to do that all over again. yayyyy. at least a i get to go back to good old WVU. man oh man do i love it there. I'm going to hang out with my BFF leah toutsis...FUCK ME IN THE ASS. the only thing that kept me sane was the fact that i smoked every day. I guess I'll just drink heavily. COOL! WOW the DMV, YOU SURE ARE DOING A GREAT JOB OF HELPING ME AS A TROUBLED FUCKING YOUTH TO TURN MY LIFE AROUND AND BECOME A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY. I LIKE HOW YOU ARENT GIVING ME MY LICENSE BACK FOR AN ABSOLUTLY EXCESSIVELY LONG AMOUNT OF TIME. THAT IS REALLY HELPING ME TO HAVE A JOB AND PAY FOR THE STUPID FUCKING CLASSES THAT I HAVE TO FUCKING TAKE FOR FUCKING YEARS OF MY LIFE. CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING AN EFFICIENT BEAUROCRACY.
part five: fire-
I AM GOING TO BURN THE FUCKING DMV DOWN. i swear to fucking god. and i am not being melodramatic. i got the short end of the fucking stick.
so in conclusion, i'm fat, i'm poor, i can't ride, i can't leave my house, i hate my family, i have no clothes, my job sucks, and i cant smoke at all during the school year. OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT. no boys ever like me/will ever like me. it's pretty god damn depressing. my life is depressing. and the best part is there is absolutly nothing i can do at this point to fix it. i can't handle shit. i am so unhappy here, but at school it's 100 times worse. i think i'll feel alot better if i lose like 10 pounds. at least then if my life is terrible i wont be a whale on top of that.