Title: Blessed Be Not
darkseeradeptCharacters: Sam, OC
Word Count: 500
Prompt: #104 Faith
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of religion and Death
Spoilers: Past Sam fic.
Summary: Sam might have a valid reason for not believing in a higher power.
Disclaimer: After all these years, if I owned it, you’d know. (Got my brother to e-mail this to me on my lunch break at work and posted it from there. People on FF will reconize this one)
“… in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are…”
Sam frowned, looking up from his bag to peer over his shoulder at the man on the bed behind him. He watched him for a moment before glancing up to the blonde woman standing next to him. “What’s up with him?”
“What do you mean?” Alice frowned looking past her friend but paused when she heard the prayer coming from the other soldier. “He’s new here.”
“Oh, that explains it.” The sniper went back to his bag shoving in a clean t-shirt and re-organizing his first aide kit. Suddenly a hairbrush flew out of no-where to smack him in the side of the head. “Owe. What was that for?” he snapped at Alice who was shaking her head at him.
“Leave Danato alone Sam,” she crossed her arms, careful to keep her voice low. “If he wants to pray, let him.”
Blue eyes narrowed tossing the hairbrush back to his friend. “Fine, I’m not going to stop him, but someone should tell him not to waste his time.”
Sam looked away from the rifle in his hands, its parts scattered all around him as he cleaned it, to listen to the now familiar sound of Danato next to him. “Do you have to do that?”
The soldier looked up at him annoyed. “Do you have to interrupt me?”
“If it will get you to stop, yes.”
Danato frowned but sighed and slowly closed the bible in his hands. “Is it my praying you detest or is it God himself?”
“Both.” Sam replied holding up his scope.
“May I as to inquire why?”
“Seriously?” Blue eyes met steady brown. “I’ve been in this desert for close to two years, I’ve seen people deal with things they should never have to; tyrant warlords, child soldiers, the raped then married off ten year olds, abused wives and mutilated babies…” Sam shook his head clearing the images from his mind. “You can’t look me in the eye after all that and tell me there’s a God watching over them.”
Danato watched him sadly as the sniper cleaned his weapon angrily, before climbing to his feet. “Be that as it may, it is sometimes comforting to others to know there is a higher power up there watching our backs.”
Sam just snorted as Danato turned away. “Well tell it to take your front because the only thing watching your back out there is me.”
Blue eyes opened, knocking himself out of the memory induced daydream to look up the rows of pews and the wooden casket, (closed for a reason), at the head of the church. The sniper shook his head, silently telling himself this was not the time for ‘I told you so’s’. Because he had. He had told Danato-
Out in the desert, not even ‘God’ can save you.
Sam stood, turned and left.