Title: Alibi
Characters: Mainly Sam and Jules, with Ed and Spike in the mix
Word count: 500
Prompt: #80 -- Alibi
Rating: G
Summary: Sam has an air-tight alibi, or does he?
Disclaimer: You’ll know what’s mine and what’s not. Prompt belongs to
flashpoint_sru I have returned! :D
"I was walking out of Timmy's when this guy run past me," Sam leaned back and crossed his arms. "He almost hit me, actually, but I managed to take a step back. Not without casualties, though." He tugged at his Patron shirt, now decorated with a brown-yellowish stain.
"And then the lady came screaming for help." Ed concluded.
"Shrieking over my ears is more like it," Sam laughed. "I gave him a chase. He's plump and clearly out of practice. I knew I would get him, but I let him run for at least 2 more blocks before finally tackling him down."
"Samtastic to the rescue!" Spike rubbed his hands, delighted. "And that scar, buddy?"
"He had an army knife," Sam explained, stroking the thin red line over his left cheek. "I didn't see that. But it's no more than a scratch. It's all good."
"Did the lady give you a kiss?" Ed snorted.
"She gave me her numbers."
"Did she write them on your palm? With a red sharpie, perhaps?" Jules couldn't help her tongue any longer. She was trying to sound as natural as she could and fighting tooth and nail to keep her face straight. To say it was difficult would be the understatement of the year.
"It was on a pink post-it note." Sam's smug grin was as bright as the morning sun filtering through the windows.
"Just like in the movies?"
"Not anymore, Spike, not anymore."
Jules had had enough of it and got up, taking an armful of old file cases. He had some nerves…
"I better go change," She heard him saying. As expected, he was trotting right behind her. "Jules, wait up."
Jules rolled her eyes. "Are you out of your mind? What if Ed does a follow up? What if Spike is bored and decides to hack into the RCMP database just to see how 'plump and out of practice' the guy you have oh-so-bravely caught?"
"They won't." The confident way he said it made her want to deck him.
"They could." She could be just as obstinate if she wanted to.
"You wanted me to tell them that the reason I was late was because you spent a good hour in the shower?" Sam lowered his voice.
"How about you tell them that drinking coffee while shaving is not to be tried at home?" Jules hissed back. "You're so full of shit."
"Well, you happen to date this full of shi-"
They both turned to see Ed standing in front of the briefing room, hands on his hips, unsmiling.
"Yeah?" The trepidation in his voice was barely there, but it was there. Not so confident now, are you, Braddock?
Ed broke into a wide grin. "She's a redhead?"
They both exhaled. "Nah, a brunette, just the way I like it."
Okay, that was kinda sweet, and stupidly dangerous.
He was so full of shit, indeed.
Jules bit her lips.
This man will be the death of her, just see.