Suggestions, anyone?

Jan 01, 2002 01:15

It's your time to let us know what you expect from the community!

Since we are seriously thinking of relaunching it, we would very much like to get to know your opinion about what we should do better the next time.

For example, you can let us know what you'd like to see when it comes to...

- Wordcount allowed
- Prompt (how to select them, if weekend prompts should be kept, if prompts being posted on Mondays are ok, if we should keep allowing members to suggest prompts)
- Sections and links
- Organization and layout
- Etc

Go crazy!

We can't promise that every single suggestion will be implemented but we can say that all of them will be at least considered. Even the ones that seem to be strange can trigger new ideas to make this community bigger and better.

Thanks so much for your support, we were thrilled to know that there were people out there who'd enjoyed their experience here and wanted more of it.



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