Flashpoint_sru Fic List: June 2009

Jun 30, 2009 16:47

Here we have all the fics that have been posted to flashpoint_sru during June 2009! Enjoy...

Author: erinm_4600
- Family (Jules, the team, G) #3 Family

Author: eviltwin
- Fistfull of Dollars (Greg/Ed, PG) weekend prompt: movies, #3 Family, #8 Chance, weekend prompt: kitchen
- Whipped (Greg/Wordy, adult) #10: Fantasy
- Unsung (6 drabbles - the team, G) #19 Boss

Author: lillyg
- No Rest for Braves (Spike, PG) #8 Chance
- Plan B (Spike, withheld, PG) monthiversary prompt: friendship
- Birthday Boy (Spike, the team, PG) #9 Sorrow, monthiversary prompt: friendship

Author: paranoid_woman
- Fitting In (Donna, PG) #4 Regret
- It Began with a Tie, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 (Sam/Spike, the team, OCs, PG) several prompts

Thanks for supporting the comm by writing great fic!

mod!post, fic list : june 2009

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