Monday Prompt #17: OUTFIT, and new poll

Jun 08, 2009 17:40

flashpoint_sru is happy to announce the prompt of the week: OUTFIT

This weekend was very, very slow, only 2 drabbles have been written! And it was ME! So that doesn't really count! Guys! What are you doing??? (or not doing in that case :p)

The stories have been stored in our Memories under prompt title and in our Author Master List under author name.

Our new prompt this week is: #17 Outfit, you can interpret it however you want to. Remember that all past prompts (week or week-end prompts) remain open so you can write about them whenever you want, formal dressing, costumes, whatever! We are sure that with this one, you will have fun and come up with interesting ideas!

We still accept drabbles from 100 to 500 words, and drabble series.

We are also waiting eagerly for the Friday Prompt Suggestion! You can do it in our Suggestions Post.

You can also vote for the new poll for next weekend prompt. These wonderful suggestions have been made by the lovely eviltwin !

Poll Weekend prompt at flashpoint_sru

We hope to see you around.


paranoid_woman and lillyg

mod!post, weekend prompt, prompt 17: outfit, flashpoint prompts, poll

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