Fic: Inner Fight (1/3, Sam/Spike, R)

May 18, 2009 00:22

Title: Inner Fight (1/3)
Author: lillyg
Chapter: Inner turmoil
Prompts: #8 chance, #5 trigger, #12 retaliate, #6 shelter, #7 Babycakes, #10 fantasy, #3 family
Word Count: 7x200 words
Pairing: Sam/Spike
Rating: R
Warnings: SLASH
Spoilers: a hint of 2x07, but just a hint.
Summary: When Spike is hurt during an intervention, Someone unexpected has a reaction… well, unexpected.
Written for: flashpoint_sru
Disclaimer: I don't own Flashpoint. Just my fantasies…
Beta: The lovely
Author Note: To eviltwin  who made my wonderful layout!

Chance )
Trigger )
Retaliate )
Shelter )
Babycakes )
Fantasy )
Family )

prompt 03: family, prompt 08: chance, genre: slash, character: sam, author: lillyg, prompt 06: shelter, rating: r, prompt 12: retaliate, prompt 05: trigger, character: spike, prompt 07: babycakes, prompt 10: fantasy

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