Dec 19, 2023 07:27
The vision is....
Chris as "Fukui-San", sportscaller giving drama to each shot, quick to point out the tastiest parts and smells, big Joe Buck fan...
Peter as Yukio Hattori, deep-throated food expert, academic, sharp wit in an even tone. Probably a better chef than the challenger. Writes the scripts.
(These guys are improv experts, by the way.)
Johnathan as Shinichiro Ohta, "Go ahead Ohta," Excitedly chiming in with the neat and interesting facts and relaying messages up to the box. Much of this is scripted - Ohta chimes in with the setup for the joke.
Flash as Chairman Kaga, the madman who puts the sets together and creates the fun things to pound the fish, steam the baskets, and shoot the fireworks. Iron Chef means challenges, and the featured ingredient will have been grown in the backyard! It won't be -too- normal.
Each month, the challengers are invited to Flash's Kitchen Stadium, where the Iron Chef (roomie) will cook alongside one of my Facebook Pocket-Friends, Contestants will find their way to my Flaming Cafe, to share and enjoy a family meal where we all win because we get to cook our favorites and eat a little of everything.