Copying Arianna

Sep 14, 2005 23:24

That whole write-a-nice-thing-about-everyone-on-your-list thing sounds like a good idea, so I'm doing it. I'm not as good at it as her, though.

aurorax999 - Your entries are fucking fun to read...they make me want to hold you high and steal your pay-orn. Ravage needs to do some all-ages shows on nights I don't have to work. Or better yet, some shows with Revengeance.
bismithium - VEGANCORE! You're an awesome friend. I think I met you at the same concert you met Matt (And the same day I really realized I was broken up with Sarah. And I was trying to get with you at first...hahaha)
cakewalk/emrldsword - That was really sweet. Yes, Reanna and I do make each other extremely and Eric seem to make each other just as happy, and that makes me happy too. Hooray for happiness! (Wow, that was gay.)
caristatistic/iwondertoomuch - Proof that glitches CAN be good (Would've never found you without the LJ glitch that made me happen on to your journal) Guys around you suck...they should be all over you. I know I would be, were I single.
colieponies - I grabbed your boob, yay! You rock my X-box (Okay, I don't have an X-box, but a guy saying "rock my socks" doesn't really work.)
destea - We don't talk nearly as much as we used to. It's a shame. You've really given me a lot of good advice over the years. Not to mention you're a total babe.
dragoness - You've got a lot of resilience to lose all that weight. I'm extremely proud.
impaledcorpse - You're an asshole and I hate you and you need to have your nuts ripped off by a pack of wolverines. And yet you still kick ass. Go to more Palladium shows, dammit.
missmetal - Get off WoW, the real world needs your metalness.
parsephoni - You're interesting. And you like Savatage. A billion cool points for that.
todesbonden - Good music. \m/
up_the_irons - Fucking funny as hell.
venibbeth - We've had a bit of a tumultous past, but thankfully that's all behind us and we're friends. That's good, because you kick ass.
wheresconan - Conan + Motley Crue = w00t
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