Jun 17, 2004 15:51
So i was at summer school today and my stomach started to really hurt so i decided to ask my teacher to go to the nurse to get some pepto bismal or something to hlep it. So she says yes and lets me go down, well this is at desert vista and its not my own campus so i cant find the nurse but i finally find him. He was in the CAFETERIA eating with all the administration but anyways he takes me back to his office and i'm exspecting it to be like a nurses office with beds and stuff like that but its just a normal office. He opens of his dwar and theres like tons of medication everything you could think of was in there so he gets out his pebto bismal and tums and has me choose so i did enie meanie minie moe to decide well i finally decide on tums and he said it said to give me only like 3 but he went ahead and gave me 10. Well i'm not quite sure but i think i could sue him for doing that. Lol. well g2g bye.