I'm sorry I haven't done all that much coherent text here. My focus was to illustrate someone else's world, I've been pretty lazy about describing things.
So just for background, there's about 4-8 main characters-- and one of them's a blast to draw, since he expresses feelings...very poorly. Frequently through the use of edged weapons. Most of these sketches are of him.
This vector illustration is coming along, but I don't have much working-on-the-computer-time right now.
mindrot made a post somewhere about harpies with human hands, and I think I saw the picture she was referring to here. Somewhere. Anyone know about that? Anyway, these ladies were probably headed to church.
This chap probably wasn't.
Here's the first page of my current sketchbook:
And finally, while also not Demon's Lexicon related, this is related to one of my general goals for June/July/Aug-- illustrating YA novels. It's a sketch of Bartimaeus, when he's running around with the Amulet of Samarkand on his neck and generally getting the snot kicked out of him.
Wooo, onward! More finished looking stuff probably...near the end of the month, since this has/will be an absolutely crazy-busy two weeks. Thanks for looking! Comments / crit totally welcome.