Am moderately employed but looking for animation jobs in the SF area!

Jun 05, 2009 15:31

Hey everyone. Vancouver Film School cheerfully turned me loose with several diploma-shaped pieces of paper, and now I can roam the internet with more time for painting. Which will be happening! As soon as I properly conquer zBrush, which currently shows no end to its crashing.

Art dump! Apologies to those who follow the LJ feed to my blogger account for the redundancy, since these images are probably found there. I've also updated my official portfolio, if anyone's curious, but many of the images have been wandering around these blogs already. I really need some better stuff to put up there. :\ Workin' on it!

For those who only follow this account and haven't seen a link posted, here is the complete Alarious Project!

"In a world of dirigibles, steam engines and brass fixtures, a deinonychus mechanist and a cephalopod entomologist collaborate to usher in a new age of progress. When their latest biomechanical creation breaks free, their friendship is put to the test.

The Alarious project is a hand-animated film done in the classical animation program at VFS. It took about 4 months, and was a boatload of fun and pain. "

image Click to view

And my (mostly complete) maya animation short, Vegan!

In the sense that animation is all only first/second pass! The page for it on my website is here, and you can see it on Google Video from there. It's not a fully finished animation in that much of the movement and acting are really rough. It was a great learning project, but I'd really like to start over on a lot of things, so I probably won't spend a month redoing the animation and will instead let it rest as it is. Someday Fred might have fur. Maybe.
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