Jul 27, 2011 00:19

Contact:somekindofmuse (AIM) ijustkindoflol (plurk)

Character Name: Wally West
Series: Young Justice
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 15, after episode 9.
Requested Sponsor:Mod's choice.
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
History: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Kid_Flash
Garden History: n/a
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities:
Superhuman speed: Wally can currently break the speed of sound or go over 761 mph**. However, because of the effects that would have on the environment around him, in civilian areas he usually goes around 90mph. He has the potential to run a lot faster but he is still developing his powers. Unlike The Flashes before him, he gained his powers during puberty instead of after puberty. As a result,while his body grows so do his powers. However, it also means as he is getting adjusted to his body and is still inexperienced with his powers, he tends to clumsy and slip or crash into objects from time-to-time.

His superhuman speed allows him to:

-Run across water and up walls

-Create small tornadoes

-Create friction hot enough to cause burns

Superhuman Endurance and superhuman metabolism:Throughout the series, Wally has crashed into walls, skidded around the ground and is usually able to recover pretty fast. Like other speedsters he has a superhuman metabolism which allows him to recover quickly from diseases and injuries. However, he has to eat a high caloric diet to keep up with his metabolism. Whenever he pushes himself and runs at top speeds for an extended period of time, he needs a snack or else he “runs out of juice”.

Supercharged Brain Activity: Kid Flash's mental abilities are also hyper-accelerated, simple computations can be done at lightning speeds and he can devise strategies and solutions to problems when fighting villains in no time at all.

(This is directly from the wiki, I figured it was better explained this way than paraphrased.)
Wally is one of those people that if he’s around you, you’ll definitely notice. For better or worse, if he has an opinion about what’s going on he’ll let it be known. This is in part because Wally really enjoys being a super-hero-in-training and believes it’s important to have one's presence known. At one point in the show he mentions that he feels naked in his “civvies”, which suggests that he is much more comfortable wearing and being seen in his super hero costume. Super heroes are meant to have a larger than life presence and he wants to emulate that image. His super powers also tend to make him impulsive and he doesn’t always think before he says or does something. The world at times feels like it is going in slow motion and he wants it to fast forward with him.

Another part is because Wally isn’t exactly the most mature person. Some of the commentary he makes can be downright rude at times. He usually won’t continue making rude commentary once it’s pointed out to him, but that doesn’t stop him from making similar remarks down the road. His immaturity takes on other forms as well. Wally is very protective of his friends, which isn’t a bad thing in and of itself but if he feels like someone is wronging one of his friends, rather than get the facts he jumps to conclusions. When Artemis first joined the team, he accused her of trying to replace his friend Speedy, and heavily criticized her throughout their entire first mission together. It wasn’t until she won the approval of the rest of the team and M’Gann advocated for her, that he finally accepted her into the team. Even though he is in a super-hero-in-training team that comes with a lot of responsibilities, he is only 15 years old. He is still developing and growing both physically and mentally.

While he has his fair share of flaws, he has his strong qualities as well. Family and friends are very important to him and he realizes the importance of being involved in their lives. He comes from a family of super heroes who are very close to each other. His parents know that he is a speedster and during one episode the entire family gets together, including his super powered grandfather and uncle, for a family dinner. While other superheroes have to keep secrets from their family, he has his family’s full support. He carries over the support his family gave him to his teammates. After Superboy is set free from the CADMUS labs, Wally invites him to stay with his family until they figure out what to do with him. Throughout the series he jokes around with his friends and tries to spend as much time with them as he can. He likes to make his friends laugh and will playfully poke fun of people like his good friend Robin, because he knows that he won’t take it personally. He wouldn’t want to intentionally or unintentionally hurt the feelings of someone he cares about.

When it comes to how he views the world, he tends to look at it from a logical approach. Wally is naturally gifted at science and tries to apply it to every situation he is in. Kaldur once explained that Wally uses logic to understand what cannot be explained, and if he relinquishes his logical view, he’s relinquishing his control of the situation. That being said, when he was trapped inside of the mask of Doctor Fate, he was with Kent Nelson (the original Doctor Fate) who had been longing to be with his dead wife in the afterlife. Wally offered to stay inside of the dimensional pocket in the mask so that Kent Nelson could go to the afterlife to see his friend. Kent grinned at him and commented that Wally was finally starting to have faith. While he still thinks most things can be explained by science, he is starting to realize that there are other forces of work in the universe that exist outside of science.

Perhaps one of the reasons why Wally was sympathetic towards Kent and his dead wife, is because Wally is a shameless flirt and a little girl crazy. It doesn’t matter the age or the race of the girl he’s interested in, as long as he thinks she is pretty and fun to be around. Throughout the series he hits on several of the females he comes across, especially M’Gann. When Wally is really taken with someone and it’s not a crush simply based off of physical attraction, he tones down his shameless flirting and is more genuine in his affection. On one of the team's missions, they end up losing their memories and Wally wakes up alone with Artemis. Up until his memories are restored by M’Gann, Wally is playful with Artemis and protects her during their battles. When M’Gann rejoins them he doesn’t flirt with her and he takes a hold of Artemis hand to comfort her when she is reluctant to let M’Gann explore her mind. Wally has positive relationships with all of the women in his family and is especially fond of his aunt Iris, so it stands to reason that when he genuinely likes a girl he bucks up and wants to treat her with kindness and respect.

Anything else?I took this information from http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Flash_%28Wally_West%29

In the show, how fast Wally can run has not been properly explained. In the normal DC universe, he gained his powers the same way he did in the television show. At this age he was able to break the speed of sound. Later on as an adult, he is able to run so fast that he can run along a special plane known as the “Speed Force”. I can leave his speed as an undetermined amount if you guys prefer.

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire (can be found on the application page)

What do you prefer to be known as? You can call me KF or Wally.
How old are you? Fifteen.

Do you have any history in combat? Let me elaborate on what I mean by KF. KF is short for Kid Flash. As in the partner of the Flash. Yep, you heard me. The Flash. So yeah, I’ve got experience fighting bad guys and then some. It’s all in a days work.
If so, have you ever killed?
Dude, no way. Hero’s don’t kill, that’s what separates us from the bad guys. I mean sure, it might make life a little easier at times, but once you cross that line there’s no going back.

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? Sign me up! Combine my brain with my speed and bam, the immediate and rapid looks like it belongs in Slowville. I’ve got the quick thinking decisions covered.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? I hosted a Halo tournament once, it was pretty sweet. But yeah, I like coming up with ideas, especially when the ladies are involved. But for some reason, everyone else always ends up showing up…

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? Depends on the situation. If there’s something scientific that needs to be figured out, like what the chemical compound of some liquid is, I step in and take lead. I usually lead the battle plans to Kaldur or Robin, that’s more their thing. Whatever direction Kaldur points me in, I go charge in and kick it into high gear.

iv) How talkative are you around other people? Pretty talkative, I mean why deny someone the chance to experience my charm?

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. M’gann, a blanket and a picnic basket. I don’t need any typical survival stuff. Whatever is in the picnic basket will be enough for me to run across the ocean and get home.

Add in some cuddling on the blanket, delicious food and you’ve got the makings of one very awesome date. The best part of it is that it’s deserted, so no interruptions.

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? Yeah, I mean if you don’t have people’s support behind you, you’re not going to be able to accomplish much. Plus, you want to be a hero and friend to all people, and not just a handful of people who are like you. That would be pretty boring.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? Of course, making the impossible possible is what heroes do.

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? Haha, seriously? Next question.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? Depends on what it is. I mean if you plan everything then that’s going to get reaaallly boring. Battles and all that should be planned out, but recreational stuff should be spontaneous. Unless it’s a date, then you want to bring you’re a game and plan that out. Don’t want to come as being lame and unoriginal.

x) Do you like surprises? Yes, especially on my birthday.

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? What kind of question is this? If by wonder if something is wrong you mean wonder how one person can be so awesome, then yes, I do.

I mean sometimes I wonder why I’m always so hungry, but I know that it’s part of being a speedster. My metabolism is crazy and I’m always hungry. No matter how much I eat, a lot of times I feel empty. It can suck but there’s not much I can do about it.

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? Haha, loaded question there! I’ve got a lot to learn from the Flash, but the Flash and the League don’t have all the answers either. Sometimes they get caught up in their traditions and what they think is right or wrong. They need a set of fresh eyes who can bring in a new perspective, which is where my team and I come in.

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? I don’t know, I guess they taste good?

ii) Prose sample (can be general or a response to the post's prompt).

“Is that Speedy the Flash Kid?”

“No, I think it’s Son of Flash”

Kid Flash sighed heavily and came to a complete halt in front of the two police officers who were trying to figure out who the blur of red and yellow was.

“K-I-D F-L-A-S-H. Say it with me “Kid Flash.” Seriously guys, it’s not that hard to remember. You can call me KF if it helps.”

No matter how many times he announced his name, people always seemed to forget it. No one ever forgot Robin's name! Why was Kid Flash so hard to remember? Maybe he should have gone with Speedy after all. He grumbled internally to himself and then his eyes flickered over to the bank behind him as he heard some commotion behind him. It was time to get to work.

“Thanks for coming here so fast, Kid Flash. We have a hostage situation-“

Before the officer even had the chance to finish his words, KF zoomed over to the where the hostages were inside of the bank and grabbed the bomb. On his way over here Robin had briefed him on what was going on. The bomb was set up to a timer and a password, so simply cutting the correct wire wasn't going to be enough to prevent this bank and everyone inside of it from going kaboom. In the time it took the masked men to realize that they were not alone, KF had already tried 100 different password combination's and disarmed the bomb. Once that was taken care of and the masked men realized they were not alone, he focused on taking care of them. Two of them men had guns and were taking aim at him. He kicked his speed into high gear and just as they were about to squeeze the trigger, he scooped the weapons up from their arms and tossed them off to the side.

“Sorry guys, game over!”

He flashed them a bright grin before he ran in circles around them, creating a small whirlwind with enough force to send them and their accomplices through the door. The captives all cheered and one particular captive, a young woman around Wally’s age, was especially thankful for his heroic actions. She threw herself into him and looked at him with awestruck eyes.

“Oh-my-gosh, you were so amazing! I Wish I could have recorded it on my phone and showed all of my friends on it on facebook.”

His eyes widened at first and he took a couple of steps backwards, but then he rested his hands on her shoulders. Helping people was always his first priority, it was why he joined Young Justice, but he definitely enjoyed the perks that came along with it. What 15 year old didn't enjoy a nice ego boost, and a pair of gorgeous eyes staring into theirs?

“All in a day’s work for Kid Flash, but you know, if you wanted to show me your gratitude you could always join me for some coff-“

This time he was the one who was interrupted. The sly grin on his face evaporated when he looked down at his communicator. Whoops. He promised his grandmother he would meet her tonight to help with reorganizing the attic and then help with dinner. As much as he enjoyed being fawned over by a pretty woman, he didn't like keeping his grandmother waiting. A) Because he felt guilty and B) Because she would let him have it if he was late, she knew all about his speedster capabilities. He cleared his throat and took a step away from the young lady.

“Your gratitude is thanks enough. So yeah, everyone take it easy and don’t worry about anything else happening. We've got this city covered”
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