So. As a few of you already know, I'm doing
JailBreak (a charity event, I'm not really incarcerated, I swear) over the weekend. Which just means I'm trying to raise money and blag myself as far across the world as possible in 36 hours. Without spending anything on transport. People have ended up as far as Alicante, New York, Africa... and one of my friends ended up at a Beer Festival in Germany last year.
Anyway! While I will have my phone, it's an activity that's not at all conducive to actually having internet access. SO.
Mac and Angela will both be around but quiet, and any modding rights go to roommate and boooyfriend other roommate respectively (they better both still be unmarried when I get back, omg). I should be around again at some point on Monday, if utterly shattered.
... If I'm not, I probably got stranded in Calais, or Madrid or er, London, or something. Ahem.