I can be a very confusing person... Oh wait, I'm sure you already knew that.
What I mean is, I can say something sarcastic or whatever and people automatically think I'm horrible.
I know I'm very bitter and twisted (just look at the fics I read for proof) but I can be very nice at some times.
It's just the morons in this world, that bring on the worst in me.
I think so spam robots have a hold on my email, the fuckers overflowed it the other day!
Well, on to the recs! (Not many today, I haven't had the time to scavenge the murky waters of LiveJournal)
Enemies by
iamsam_samiam (Draco/Ginny, PG-13)
Sometimes I'm Still Beautiful by
Argyle_S (Molly/Arthur, NC-17)
Agression by
srichard (Millicent/Snape, NC-17)
Male Privilege Checklist by
english_peach Female Privilege Checklist by