So I'm sitting in
wandelrust and
omnia_mutantur's living room, listening to
nuns and
prusik take turns singing and
ts52 is doing something in the kitchen and I'm thinking ... not a bad way to spend an evening. Not bad at all.
Things have been pretty crazy for the last few months and LJ, FB and lots of other places got downgraded from important to ... not. My meat space life needed more time and my web life was being more annoying than rewarding, so the priority change was a no brainer. I still read every once in a while but if you need to get a hold of me, email is best.
Since I was here last, I spent a lovely week in Hawaii with
georgejas and the Boy. We hiked a volcano, ate too much pineapple and snorkeled almost every day. One of my life goals now includes a home in the islands. Three trips there now and I get more twitterpaited with the place each time.
Work is work. I have subs and guns and guns and subs, hoorah, hoorah! If only the Murphy's wrote a song for contractors.
We adopted a dog a few weeks ago, a belgian shepherd named Rocky. My friend breeds them and he's from one of her previous litters. His owner's decided they didn't have time for him and, being a responsible breeder, she takes any and all of her pups back. We were planning on getting a puppy from her next litter but Rocky needed a home and we decided to give him a trial. He is a sweetheart. He has a wonderful house manners but no leash or public manners. We're making progress, though, and he's the star of his agility class. Not all that fond of the name and we were considering renaming him Ulric, since he comes from Guilderland, NY but I think he might be too old.
My pony is doing wonderfully. We did well at our schooling show last week and we do our first recognized show next weekend. My instructor is making noises about First Level but I'm sticking to Training until she stops being pogo pony every time we go off of the property.
The Boy's dad came to the states and spent a few days with us. Fun and stressful and I need to go visit him in Switzerland before he moves back to the states for good. Brought us lots of chocolate.
Oh, and we're taking a break from D&D to play Dresden Files while prusik is off at Clarion being a genius up & coming writer. Yay.
So that's the run down. New puppy, pogo pony and urban magic. See you come autumn.