Dec 17, 2009 17:38
To everyone who offered sympathy and open ended help, thank you. I am repeatedly awestruck at the number of totally awesome people who are my friends. You guys keep my faith in the human race from totally going ka-splat.
Also up there on the "keeping my faith in humanity" meter is the owner of Coopers Jewelry down in the Worburn Mall. Most of my "good" jewelry came from there over the years because Josh liked the location and the service staff. The owner spent almost an hour with me last night, printing out price paid and current value receipts for all the various pieces that were stolen. She even made copies of pages from the store's catalog so I could give the police an actuate picture of what was missing. She went above and beyond the call of customer service and she has my loyalty as a customer forever.
Other than dealing with the paperwork of being a robbery victim, life goes on. I'm trying to force myself to stop jumping every time I hear something outside. I feel distinctly vulnerable in my home now and I DON'T like it. We're getting ADT monitoring turned back on and I'm forcing myself to learn how to use the system. The cats HATE the alarm but hopefully I'll figure it out before one of them has a heart attack. I'm seriously considering getting a big dog to snuggle up/hide behind. The cats' will love that, I'm sure. I'll get over it and eventually it'll seem normal to have to type in a code every time we open a door.
My MIT class had its final today. Three hours of "let's see if you remember THIS" not-goodness. In preparation, I drugged myself silly with cold medicine last night in the hopes of actually getting some sleep before the test. It worked and I don't feel nearly as beaten by the final as I did the mid-term. Of course, that could just mean that my understanding of the test was so bad that I don't know how bad it was.
Tonight, wrapping presents and maybe going to see a movie. I haven't done that in a long time and now I have a good excuse to pay theater prices. It's not like I can watch movies at home at the moment.