Jul 30, 2009 12:19
First, I need a root canal. Can't pretend I don't any more. I got the stern talking to and everything. On top of that, I might need two. In order to figure out which is it, I need to wait a little bit, get some other work done and see how annoyed tooth #2 feels about itself. So yeah, need a root canal but I can't quite have it YET.
Oh, and if an oral surgeon says "lets just test these for sensitivity", the correct answer is HELL NO! I'm pretty sure what he did there is outlawed in the Geneva Convention.
Second, pony is lame. Not lame as in stupid, lame as in can't walk straight. Last night she did the horse equivalent of rolling her ankle. Today, it's swelled up and she is lame. So now I got to go ice her leg and give her horse aspirin and see how bad it is.
Of course, thanks to the weather, pony has been locked inside the barn for last few days and is a right energy ball. Her being silly while I was riding last night is how we got into this mess. I'm pretty sure she's not going to appreciate being made to stand in a bucket of ice water, nor is she going to like only being allowed to walk around sedately. I wonder if I have any tranqs left ...