Sep 01, 2005 03:19
well i think i have found out why i sometimes have breathing problems once in a while. Well i think im allergic to bleach. well because the first time i had an attack the day before i used bleach to clean the tub and then next day i fell light headed and then it felt like i just rain a marathon and felt like i was going to die and then i think it was yesterday i started sneezing for no reason well the day before the manager at work put bleach down something and i smelt it the next day i was sneezing now stop. Then today he did the same thing but so far nothing yet but i think i going to just stay up all night and watch the sun rise and then see if i start weezing because i hate waking up weezing my butt off. So if i do start have problems i know what im allergic to so then i shall go to the doctor and see what he can do for me. Then on top of that it seems like every time i eat something i get heart burn. Im not talking about the kind where you just have a little bit im talking about the kind that makes you think you are having a heart attack. Like it only happens like once or twice per meal. I take a bit of something maybe once or twice and wow it feels like im going to pass out so i fight it and then it goes away and then a few minutes later another one then it gone . Then im fine i think it could be because of my diet. well for startes im drinking pop that really the only thing i can think of that could be it. At work all i get is chicken chicken and more chicken. Then i dont eat at home because im working by the way i lost 5 pounds for not eat ing at home. Maybe i should move out maybe i will lose some more weight either that or i will just eat more junk food and get fatter. well today at work some lady told me that i hold my fork left handed but im right handed i dont know how the hell i can hold my fork left handed in the right hand either that or maybe im really left handed and dont know it. well anyways i forgot what i was talking about sorry crs(cant remember shit ). Well let me tell you about my day today. well today i woke up at 10 decided to go to work to get my check yeah money. Well i own 140 to my car damn car well now im only left with like 35 dollars but oh well it will last me i think tell next week. So if anyone wants to borrow money im poor so dont ask. well after that i went to work at 1130 and it was really slow so the manager was like you want to leave at 4 instead of 5 i was like sure why not. Because it was either me or i think her name is becky but she spells it different anyways her tattoo got infected and she took like 1 week off to get it look at at fix and she came back to work today and well she needs the money more then i do she owns like money for the doctors fee and stuff like that so i let her stay. well then i got out of work and decided to clean my room so it looks alright. Wow i just realized that i didnt change she sheets oh well. Well then i decided to go online and then i clean my car a little bit to get the dounts out of my car. Then toby came over and then amanda and stacy called wanted to hang out we were like sure why not melissa at college and theres really nothing to do so sure. So we went to the meijers and met jeff there and we walked around for like 2 hours and then we went to the ve for a while then we dropped toby off and then we went up to conlees and then i got some gas and then we drove around with matt for awhile and then i dropped people off and then i went home and here i am now talking to you. well i dont have to work tommorrow but i know then are going to call me in to work they always do i dont know why it seems like people call into work way to much there but hey i need the money im not complain wait yes i was but in a good way. Okay fine i was complain but more money for me. can you believe it almost labor day already. Do you know what this means it has been almost one year since Melissa,toby and i almost got arrest for well getting pop can from the frankmuth high school wow well i think i should go find that journal and re post it but i so later