Last Person who...
6) Called You: My mom
7) Slept In Your Bed: Well, me
8) Saw You Cry: probably my entire suite
9) Made You Cry: my dad
10) Spent The Night At Your House: if you can call my dorm my house, then Darrin
11) You Shared A Drink With: Jill
12) You Went To The Movies With: it's been awhile...I don't remember
13) You Went To The Mall with: my mom
14) Yelled At You: Jenna
15) Sent You An Email: Bill Yost from the Eisenhower Theatre for my theatre management project
16) Said They Were Gonna Kill You: I'm pretty sure Alicia
Have you ever...
17) Taken A Picture Of Yourself With A Milk Mustache And Sent It to The
Milk People: No
18) Said "I Love You" And Not Mean it: No
19) Gotten Into A Fight With Your Dog/Cat/Bird/Fish/Etc.?: You betcha. I just got into a fight with my cat for peeing in my luggage :(
20) Been To New York? Yup, and I love it
21) Been To Florida? No
22) California? Yes, to perform in Disneyland
23) Hawaii? no
24) Mexico? no
25) China? no
26) Canada? yes
27) Danced Naked? Sure
28) Dreamed Something Really Crazy And Then It Happens The Next Day? I've had deja vu, but not to the extreme
29) Stalked Someone? never seriously
30) Had A Mud Bath? no, but I bet that'd be fun
32) Had An Imaginary Friend? no
33) What time is it? 4:15 pm
This or that...
34) apples Or bananas? bananas
35) Red Or Blue? blue
37) Wal Mart Or Target? Target
38) Spring Or fall? I love them both
39) Santa Or Rudolph? Rudolf
40) Math Or English? English
41) What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey? put my laundry in the dryer and take a shower
42) What Was The Last Food You Ate? baked ziti
43) High School Or College? college, hands down
44) Are You Bored with life? not at all
45) How Many Of Your Buddies are on? 59
46) Last Movie You Saw? I watched My Cousin Vinny the other day
47) Last Noise You Heard: my dog barking
Which One Of Your Friends...
48) Laughs The Weirdest? Alicia
49) Will Grow Up And Be A Model? the most likely subject would be Autumn
50) Going To Have The Most Kids? Jenna
51) Have You Known The Longest? that I still keep in contact with? Lauren Miller
52) Loudest? Alicia
53) Is The Quietest? Bryana
54) Do You Have The Most Classes with? I don't have a lot of classes with any one person
56) Who Is The Funniest? They all are, but Val is the most surprising
57) Who Is The Moodiest? Jenna, when she hasn't eaten in a while
58) Bush or Kerry: Kerry!
59) Madonna or Cher: Madonna
60) Ozzy or Jack Osbourn: I could care less
61) Sandra Bullock or Ashley Judd: I like 'em both
62) The comic book guy or Moe from the Simpsons: Moe
63) Your mom or Anna Nichole BEFORE trimspa: Um, how could you possibly compare the two? Obviously my mom
64) Mary-Kate or Ashley: They're both annoying
65) Lucy or Mary Camden: Mary
66) Jack Black or Bam Margera: Jack Black
A Couple more Questions...
67) Last Time You Went Out Of State: When I went to Toronto with the girls to celebrate Autumn's b-day
68) Lucky #'s: I don't have one
69) Things You Like In A Girl/Guy?: Sense of humour, kindness
70) Weirdest Thing About You? I sometimes sleep with my eyes partially open
71) Do you have crush on someone? Jon Stewart
73) Do you have a Boyfriend/Gilfriend: Yes
74) What's his/her name? Darrin
75) What Do You Think About Ouija Boards? Fun times pretending spirits are moving that stupid plastic thing around
76) What Book Are You Reading Now? Nothing for personal enjoyment now, gotta get through the last few weeks of school
77) What's On Your Mouse Pad? It's like a mini rug
78) Favorite Board Game: Trivial Pursuit
80) Favorite Sound: Thunderstorms, laughter, English accents
81) Worst Feeling In The World: Losing someone you love
82) What Is The First Thing You Think When You Wake Up In The Morning: What's going on??
84) How Many Rings Before You Answer? at least 1, but I prefer 2
85) Future Daughter's name: I've always liked the name Kate
86) Future Son's Name: Tristan, but I don't really know
87) Chocolate Or Vanilla? Chocolate
88) Do You Sleep With A Stuffed animal? Yup, Wheezy
83) Favorite Alcoholic Drink? real pina coladas, frozen saki margaritas
89) If You Could Have Any Job You Wanted, What Would It Be? Acting, with none of the bullshit that goes along with it
90) What Is Your Favorite Snapple? Raspberry iced tea
91) Are You A Lefty, Righty, Ambidextrous? Righty
92) What is Love? Something that is too wonderful to be defined
92) Where Do You Want To Be Right Now? Someplace not cold and dreary
93) Anything Else? What happened to #1-5?