Jan 29, 2004 15:17
I FINALLY spoke to Lewibug on Teusday and it was really nice. Simply talking to him helped me figure out where I am emotionally so I feel even more better about everything. Woo Hoo! School is boring to me right now. The only class I like is Motion Picture Appreciation. My parents 11th wedding anniversary is tommorrow. They will celebrate 11 years of being wedded by the Catholic Church. It's a reminder to me of how grateful I am to be 18 and have parents that are still happily married to each other. I am a Blessed one. Been keeping to myself lately because we all need some space... Have all kinds of stuff to do, umm, yeah...Can't think of anything else so what's everybody doing Super Bowl Sunday? All right, keep on truckin' ya little ratz!
"The most important lesson in life is to expand our
capacity to love by giving and recieving unconditionally"
"Psychology gives less than tacit acknowledgment to the
spiritual dimension. Theologian Thomas Moore said it
best when he stated, 'The field of psychology has done
little to promote the soul growth process'".
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