Jun 02, 2007 18:11
And so, on May 15th, 2007, my summer vacation began.
Within the past half a month, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, obsessively played and completed both American-released Phoenix Wright Nintendo DS games, became reinvolved in the world of play-by-post RPing, sketched for the first time in many months, picked the first round of fresh fruit for the summer season, and chillaxed more than I have throughout both semesters of school. There were other things, too, like hanging out with Township Kids and considering innovative and LOUD PR techniques for the fall. The thought of possibly working and the impending decision of applying to a five-year masters program have become all-consuming, and I honestly have no idea where to go from here.
But really, my main reason for writing a post is the little user icon in the top corner of this post. Oh, Miles Edgeworth, how I heart thee.
Until next time, when I might have something profound to say. :D