Helping a Grieving Family

Nov 05, 2010 18:31

Recently there was a death in one of my friend's families. Paul DiMeo Sr., father of one of my old high school friends, suffered from a severe case of colon cancer. He had blood infections, was in and out of the hospital several times in the past two months, and his body was just too weak. I saw him in the hospital last night. He was in ICU. My friend Paul was there along with the family, his girlfriend, and our friend Ed.

As of 1:30 AM this morning, he passed away. He was 58. I told Paul if he needed anything, just call me anytime and let me know. I never really know what to say to someone when they lose a loved one. I wanna be the guy who'll be there when people need comforting. I try to be supportive whenever I can. With so much negativity we encounter, someone's gotta counteract it with some kindness, love, and understanding.

So here's to you Paul DiMeo Sr. May God keep you in his company.
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