So, I've mirrored everything (I think) from the Rogues comm at LJ to Dreamwidth. The comm is also called
flash_rogues there. It was mostly intended as a back-up to preserve the material in case LJ starts doing bad things to the original comm, but of course people are welcome to post there too if they wish. Things won't be automatically mirrored on both sites however, so whatever gets posted there won't be posted at LJ too, and vice versa. You can, of course, post material at both sites if you want.
And I may adjust things there looks-wise and icons-wise, etc. I've had a Dreamwidth account for years now but must admit that I've done little with it and don't really know the site's utilities well.
Here are tips on how to backup and manage your LJ/DW accounts, taken from
this post.
HOW TO BACK UP YOUR LJ: (importing personal blogs) (importing communities)
You can import tags, icons, filters, posts, and comments - the whole shebang. You can also set up crossposting to Livejournal (I’ve been crossposting to LJ from DW for years.)
If you have no Dreamwidth account, if someone imports a comment you made, it will be made under your Open ID account. If you make a DW account, you can claim these comments: (How can I claim my OpenID account with my Dreamwidth account?)
Thank you to
belphegor1982 for providing this info and kickstarting the move here!