Because it all started with a baby in a box.
Rated T because...well, T.
Len Snart would admit (not out loud-no, he’d slit his throat before he’d admit it to anyone) that there were times that he thought what it would be like if he was a father (Also, Lisa liked bringing up the subject of kids whenever Roscoe was around). Normally, the thoughts….they scared him. And Len wasn’t really afraid of anything. But the thought of being a father frightened him. What if he turned out like his father? He already drank too much. And he did have too much of a temper…
Lisa thought that being a mother would be the greatest experience of her life. She often talked about it with Roscoe (much to Len’s dismay) and even picked out names for kids. And it’s not like Len didn’t like kids (he didn’t mind them, really), but he just couldn’t imagine himself as a father. He didn’t even qualify himself as a good boyfriend (not that he ever had one, unless he counted Angie). So being a father was out of the question. Well…until he found a box tapped shut in front of the secret entrance to the Rogues Safehouse in the alleyway. There was a small letter tapped to the top of the box. Len reached for it.
“Dear whoever,”
Len looked up. “Whomever.” He corrected. Then shook his head. The Top had a habit of correcting people (Spelling and speech). He needed to stop hanging around him. Better yet, Lisa needed to stop being around him. He glanced back down at the letter.
“My name is Amy Athens. In this box contains my three-year-old daughter, Ka-.” The second he read that, Len dropped the Letter and ripped the box open. What kind of idiot would leave a fucking child in a box taped shut? He peered inside and frowned deeply. Inside was indeed a three-year-old with short blonde hair that held a hair band on top of it. She wore a black and gray dress with gray shoes. The young girl was sleeping. Len sighed and reached down to pick up the note. “Katalina,” He continued, “But she normally answers to Kiwi. Please, keep her safe. She’s a very smart girl and very polite. But she’s also very special.” Len didn’t like the fact that the word special was underlined more than ten times. “Please, I’m begging you, whoever you are, just don’t let anyone hurt her. I can’t take care of her. I’m not a fit mother. Not with what I’m doing.” The letter went on about how she was a prostitute that got a case of bad luck while on the job. She got pregnant and ran away for the nine months. Her boss wasn’t too happy about that and when “Kiwi” was born she had to give her up, or Amy had to give her life up. “Just make sure no one goes after her. Take good care of her and tell her it’s not that I didn’t love her…I just…” Len didn’t even bother to finish reading the rest. He stuffed the paper in his pocket and looked down at the girl.
He couldn’t take care of her. He should just take her down to the orphanage and let her get adopted…
Or abandon again…
He stared at her for about a good twenty minutes before she stirred and opened her eyes. Her big blue eyes.
“Good God.” Len heard himself whisper. She looked like Lisa…except her face was a bit bigger.
“Mommy?” Kiwi panned around. “Mommy?” She then raised her eyes towards Len. “Where’s mommy?”
“I don’t know, Kid.” He said before he thought about it.
Her eyes began to water. “But…Mommy…I want my…”
“Don’t cry.” Len demanded. He bent down and picked her up. “You’re safe with…me.” He didn’t sound to convincing.
“Who are you?” Kiwi asked softly.
“Just go back to sleep. We’ll talk later.” He didn’t want to.
“You weren’t kidding, Lenny.” Lisa whispered; gripping the door frame as she watched the little girl sleep. “You actually took in this little girl?”
“I didn’t have a choice. It’s not like I’m gonna leave her there, Lisa. She was already abandon once.” Len popped open a beer and plopped down on the couch.
“But…you can’t take care of a baby.” Lisa pointed.
“I was kinda hoping you and the boys would help.”
Lisa bursted out into laughter. “What!? The boys!?” She held her stomach. “They can barely take care of themselves!”
“Look, I’ll help you.” Lisa promised. “But seriously, those guys couldn’t help for shit. Mark’s a heartless arrogant ass, Sam’s an airhead, Mick’s an idiot, James is a cocky ass, and I’m pretty sure Pipers a Queer.”
“I’m serious, Lenny.” She sobered up enough to try and get serious. “As long as I’m around, those boys won’t be taking care of her.”
Mark pulled his beer form his lips and gave a blank stare at Len. “A what?”
“A kid.” Len nodded. “I have a kid.”
“How the hell did that happen?” Mick questioned.
“I was…walking home today from, you know, the Parole Office, and I found a box in our alley way, opened it up and boom. Baby.” Len swung his bottle around.
“Someone just left a baby in a box?” Sam cocked a brow. “In a random alleyway?”
“Yup.” Len nodded. “And her mom just up and left.”
“Where is she?” Digger questioned. “Tha little girl?”
“With Lisa.” Len waved his hand. “The second I called her about the news, she was at my door in three seconds.”
“Does this little girl have a name?” Sam leaned back in his chair.
“Uh, Kiwi.”
“Kiwi?” Mark sputtered his drink out. “She named her daughter after a fruit?”
“On the note Amy wrote that her real name’s Katalina. But when I looked, she had written the note on the back of her birth certificate where it said her name was Kiwi.”
“I bet that floozy was on drugs when she had signed the certificate.” Roscoe smirked.
Len shrugged. “I don’t know. But she’s gone now.”
“Where’d her mom go?” Mark leaned forward to rest his elbows on the table.
“The hell if I know.” Len shrugged. “And I don’t really care.”
“Are you really gonna take care of this kid?” Sam cocked a brow.
“I’m not gonna abandon her like her mother just did.” Len pointed. “And I don’t really have a choice in the matter. Plus, Lisa will help with the whole thing.”
“Len havin’ a baby girl.” Smirked Mark. “Who would’ve thought?”
Len smirked. “Pff, yeah.”
Len didn’t get home until one in the morning. He (slightly) hoped that Lisa was awake when he opened the door. She was, but she had a horrified look on her face when he walked in. She sat on the couch; the baby in her arms as she stared at the off T.V.
“Lisa? You okay?” Len placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Huh?” Lisa snapped out her daze and looked up. “Oh, sorry, Lenny. I was just…”
“You had a pretty horrified look on your face.” Len raised a brow.
Lisa shook her head. “Lenny, this girl.” She looked down. “I just…God, this poor baby.”
“What?” Len walked around the couch and sat down.
“God…She’s seen her mother…have sex with other men…” Lisa trembled slightly. “She described all of the things her mother did as if she were talking about Sunday news. She was so calm and she explained it so well. Too well for a three year old.”
Len looked baffled. “What?”
Lisa stood up and walked towards Len’s room. Len followed her. “She said…that her mom would take different men to her room and do different things to her. That her mom…would…Oh, God, I don’t even wanna repeat it.” She tucked the little girl in and turned around. “Kiwi…she knew everything her mom did. And then…She…” Lisa looked too distraught to even explain anything. “When she grabbed me, she started to explain my life. She knew everything about me.”
“When she grabbed you?” Len looked at her.
“Len…I think she may be…A Meta Human…” Lisa crossed her arms over her chest. “I mean, she knew everything.”
Len looked down at her.
This was gonna be a problem.