We got our comics today in Canada, eh. Lots of spoilers, but here are a couple more preview pages from the issue, which feature two Rogues!
http://www.dccomics.com/media/excerpts/13582_x.pdf Unfortunately, the issue is pretty light on Rogues -- aside from the preview pages linked to here, they don't do much at all. And only one zombie Rogue makes a cameo! It's all the Thawne and Solovar show, which disappointed me.
Anyway. So Barry runs all over the world, warning everyone about the Black Lanterns, and the Rogues hear the warning. Owen and Tar Pit go to Avernus and see the carnage there -- I'm curious to know what mangled skeleton is seen in a grave, as it appears to be in front of Digger's statue, but it can't be Digger's because he's already risen.
Owen says he wants Tar Pit to help him find his dad so he can talk to him, although as TP points out "I don't think he's gonna say anything good." Just then, a black ring appears and raises Eobard Thawne from his grave (why it took so long after the others, I dunno). BL Thawne looks around for victims, and Tar Pit doesn't register on his zombie-radar because his body has no heart and isn't technically alive. Whether he sees Owen, and what happens next...is not shown.
BL Eobard then attacks Barry elsewhere in Keystone, but Barry escapes him pretty easily and heads straight for Gorilla City to find his old buddy Solovar. He's obviously unaware that Solovar is long dead. When he sees the carnage in the city, he's pretty shocked and distraught to see BL Solovar behind it all, and has a hard time keeping his emotions in check as he's supposed to. Interestingly, Solovar acts somewhat like his old self, asking for help to return to life so he's no longer an undead monstrosity. Is this just really good acting on the part of the BL, or are there really aspects of the original beings in there..? We don't get an answer, although Barry wonders if Solovar can come back from this as Thawne does (as seen in Rebirth). Barry scatters the BL across the ocean and heads home...and then Nekron rises.
Meanwhile, the core Rogues note that the BL Rogues attacked Iron Heights, "to visit old friends, no doubt" (sorry guys, we don't see Piper). McCulloch and co helpfully give exposition to Axel about the zombie Rogues, showing pictures of them when they were alive...Rainbow Raider is not pictured, but he's mentioned. The best bit in the issue is when Axel asks "Who's the girl?" and the other guys look really uncomfortable until Len says "That's my sister".
Anyway, we get the obligatory pages of Len being badass (this is a Johns comic, after all), and declaring that they're going to hunt the BLs before the BLs hunt them. So they walk through a mirror, and after they're gone, zombie Scudder appears in the mirror, grins evilly, and shatters it.
The last page has the Rogues at Iron Heights, and declaring "Let's go shoot some zombies." The blurb at the bottom of the page reads "Next: Black Lantern Rogue War", although we get another pic of BL Thawne.
I liked this issue, it was spooky and entertaining, but have to confess that I wanted more Rogues. Especially zombie Rogues, and all we get is two panels of Scudder! Also, the Mary Sue-ing of Cold is laid on a bit thick. I want everyone -- currently living and dead -- to be alive at the end of Blackest Night, but will admit that I genuinely hope Cold gets taken down a peg in this series. Because I love Len as much as the next Rogues fan, but it's a bit tiring for him to always be the best and greatest and most badass. I might also be hoping zombie Top eats Len in the next issue (but then comes back to life at the end of Blackest Night, since I don't actually want him to stay dead).
Hopefully in the next issue we'll actually get some zombie Rogue action, which I've been jonesing for since I first heard about Blackest Night. My most fave Rogues are dead, so I wanna see them! Thawne is cool and all, but he's already been all over Rebirth.