"Corpses reanimated by black power rings are reconstructed if damaged, keeping the body in working order at all times.[22] Even after the initial resurrection, black power rings are capable of regenerating typically fatal injuries inflicted upon their users (including decapitation).[15] The first black power rings possess no charge, but each time a Black Lantern kills someone and removes their heart, .01 percent power is restored to every ring in the Corps.[10][23] Even at low power levels, black rings enable their user to fly and create black energy constructs. Black Lanterns are also able to read the emotions of the living as a colored aura that correlates to the emotional spectrum (red for rage, violet for love, etc).[10] Multiple emotions read as a multi-colored aura, while unreadable emotions come out as white. In addition to the abilities granted to them by the rings, Black Lanterns retain any superpowers they may have had in life."
- healing powers - flight capabilities - black energy constructs - read emotions - old superpowers
Thank you, Wikipedia!
"Corpses reanimated by black power rings are reconstructed if damaged, keeping the body in working order at all times.[22] Even after the initial resurrection, black power rings are capable of regenerating typically fatal injuries inflicted upon their users (including decapitation).[15] The first black power rings possess no charge, but each time a Black Lantern kills someone and removes their heart, .01 percent power is restored to every ring in the Corps.[10][23] Even at low power levels, black rings enable their user to fly and create black energy constructs. Black Lanterns are also able to read the emotions of the living as a colored aura that correlates to the emotional spectrum (red for rage, violet for love, etc).[10] Multiple emotions read as a multi-colored aura, while unreadable emotions come out as white. In addition to the abilities granted to them by the rings, Black Lanterns retain any superpowers they may have had in life."
- healing powers
- flight capabilities
- black energy constructs
- read emotions
- old superpowers
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