This story is dedicated to
annephoenix , who introduced me to the Alex Rider universe. I can't thank you enough for sharing your love of abusing Alex with me!
Title: No Longer a Child
hpstrangelove Rating: PG-13
Summary: Alex has lived a lifetime in the sixteen months since he started working for MI6. He’s no longer a child.
Word Count: 1228
Warning: Implies
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Alex. Just. Alex. Destroyed. Like I always wanted.
What did you think of the book?
I thought it made clever political statements. It was unforgiving of current affairs (2010!) and pretty ruthless with regards to Alex's treatment. Raw and real!
And AH kept up the tradition of Alex being undressed - this time he wasn't unconscious, but still, it was there. It really makes me wonder about the types of fantasies AH had when he was a teen.
And speaking of the f-word - was it printed in your version? They dashed it out in ours.
Don't think they can print that in children's books. It was always "avoided" in Harry Potter as well ...
sorry for randomly butting into a month and half old conversation
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