
Dec 11, 2010 01:38

[ Yoruichi is sitting amongst a pile of clothes, some hers, others that aren't. Be it to small, or far to large, everything is in heaps in a semi-circle around the violet-haired shinigami. However in her lap she is holding a small bundle of sliken black fabric, that when she holds it up it looks to be that of a cocktail dress, that if anyone remembers, is the one she obtained last year at the ballroom event.

Holding the dress against her (and having no recollection of above mentioned ballroom event, Yoruichi realises that it is hers, given that it looks to be a perfect fit. However there's a spark of the beginnings of an idea in her eyes, and she sets the dress to the side.]

Kisuke. OI! Kisuke. I have an idea....

[ She stands, leaving the bedroom floor a mess, taking t=only the cocktail dress and walking out of sight ]

making messes, fancy clothes, birthday tiems?, i has an idea, thoughtful kitten is thoughtful, cleaning house, what's she planning?, kisuke, +adstring

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