
Dec 02, 2010 23:31

[ The feed turns on, showing a pair of boots slowly treading through fresh piles of white. The steps are quick, but silent. An easy task for a former head of the Onmitsukidou.

The camera moves, in a blur of white, focusing after a moment on the back of one Ukitake Jyuushirou's head.

Closer and closer the feed gets before a gloved hand rises up, ( Read more... )

so totally mature ok, clearly we are still children, secretly a ninja, playful kitten, *ukitake, +adstring, snowball fight, snow tiem fun

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mere_shopkeeper December 3 2010, 07:33:15 UTC

I wasn't invited to play?


flash_kitty December 3 2010, 07:37:36 UTC
[ She clears the snow away from the device, picking it up with a grin ]

It was spur of the moment. I was taking a walk when I saw him, and the idea popped into my head. You can still come join~


mere_shopkeeper December 3 2010, 07:44:55 UTC
Perhaps later. I'm off to engage in an all out snowball war with Ciel-san's friend, Soma-san~!

[And totally not planning to see if they can catch Ciel in the crossfire. Of course not!]


flash_kitty December 3 2010, 07:49:24 UTC
Snowball fights all around then~

[ She pauses as she packs another ball in her hands ]

Have fun!


mere_shopkeeper December 3 2010, 07:51:56 UTC
I will. The best of luck to you, kitty-san~!

[The ears are cute, he has to admit.]

Hopefully we will both be victorious.


flash_kitty December 3 2010, 08:21:21 UTC
[ She gives a small, little mock salute ]

Even if not, we still get to have coco. [ Miiiiilk. And chocolate. And it's warm. Even if there are losses, no on can be upset with coco ]


mere_shopkeeper December 3 2010, 08:23:58 UTC
I'll be sure to make some for everyone if I finish in time~!


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