you're right, we don't spend enough time together

Dec 03, 2010 13:09

Time for an actual update! Huzzah!

- I've got the flu! My mum was in Sydney two weeks ago, and picked something up there, and has since given it to me. It's ridiculous, but I'm powering through it. As weird as it sounds to say, it was kind of well-timed beacuse I've had a few days off of work, which is hopefully gonna give me a bit of time to heal up before the Christmas rush at work.

- I've officially graduated university (as in, passed everything lol) which is a massive relief. I've actually done really well too! I got three 6's and a 5 (out of 7) for my courses. :) The graduation ceremony is not until January, and I'm contemplating not even going as it's $70 for robe hire and I am poor and it's like, free to get my certificate sent to me. Plus, none of my friends are graduating as they've all either failed or are doing duel degrees. Then again, it'll be good to experience it? Idk.

- Plus! My baby brother's just graduated primary school! The ceremony was the longest, most tedious thing ever, but it was so fun to see him walking across the stage with all the other twelve year olds. Which means though that he's in highschool next year! It's kind of blowing my mind, because I remember him being born, but still. I'm a bit disappointed in my sister for not bothering to get the time off of work to go (like the rest of the family did). Alex (my brother) asked her to go and she just didn't make the effort. I understand that her depression is once again at a point where it's difficult to return from, I do, but her relationship with Alex is almost beyond the point of repair. She's stopped trying with both of us, and maybe it's easier for me to forgive her as I do have the good memories, but she's always been awful with him.

- My mum and I forced her to go to the doctor the other day though, and she's being sent off for brain scans, has a prescription for new meds and a referral to see a therapist. I'm ridiculously relieved. There's no promise that she's actually going to make the move to do any of it, but at least the process has been started and we had to pretty massively bribe her into going to the doctor in the first place, but I'm so glad she went. I didn't go in with her, but my mum did, and Maddy was adamant that there was nothing wrong and then apparently cried the rest of the appointment with the doctor, which was probably good for the doctor to see. I just really, really want her to start getting better, and I'm at a point where I don't care how that is achieved.

- And I'm writing again! Like, a lot! It's kind of exciting. I'm currently writing an epic Merlin Harry Potter AU, with Merlin and Arthur at Hogwarts. I'm kind of crazily enjoying it too. Arthur's the Muggle Prime Minister's son! With a small amount of magic! And he's kind of a prat and useless but excellent at Quidditch! And Merlin is half and half! And ridiculously magical and together they're in Gryffindor and are stupid and boyish. And it's set a number of years post the Voldemort war and so every second male student is named Harry! Lol, it's kind of ridic. Morgana is the evil Slytherin step-sister who's lovely but also a bitch who Arthur resents for never telling him about magic even though she's been at Hogwarts a year already, and Gwen's in Hufflepuff, and Gwaine is from Durmstrang and comes for the Triwizard Tournament! Lol, it's going to be so long. /o\

(I'm also currently catching up on Merlin. I'm up to Queen of Hearts, and I love Gwaine, but Morgana's really shitting me atm. She's kind of ridic with her evil smirks and the 'DOOOOOOOOOOO' music that plays every time she's on screen and I don't really buy that she'd suddenly be all about betraying Gwen or Arthur who've only ever shown her kindness, no matter how much she despises Uther. Idk.)

harry potter, education motivation, in progress, merlin, sometimes i live in the real world

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