omg, this is my new favourite show

Aug 28, 2010 09:49

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Seriously. it makes me so happy and so sad and Henry/Suzy are my new OTP. ALSO IT HAS AWESOME GAY POLYGAMISTS LIVING IN THE APARTMENT NEXT DOOR. LOVE IT.

Lol, there's only been one episode so far, but I'm kind of stoked on it.

People should flail with me! The wonderful willowsmarika uploaded the ep on tvshare. Spirited 1x01 - The Man Who Fell to Earth

spirited, tv

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Comments 7

mandy_croyance August 28 2010, 04:26:32 UTC
Hmmm... To be honest, the trailer kind of makes it look completely atrocious - like one of those painfully bad rom-coms (especially the cliche v/o and white text). But we generally have similar tastes and I trust your judgment so I'm willing to give it a go anyhow. I'll let you know what I think :)


flash_indie August 28 2010, 07:44:20 UTC
lol, it is fairly cheesy and i wasn't entirely sure at first, but like, half way through i was just :D :D :D all over the place. plus my deep, undying love of claudia karvan (who plays suzy!) kind of helped me along in my enjoyment of it. rodger corser's (the hubby) performance is kind of cringeworthy in parts, but i think claudia's and matt's are really good.

and you will have to! haha, you might not like it, but it kind of hits all my buttons in terms of narrative. (i especially love the idea in film/tv/books of that idea of having to start over with whatever you have left and this really is what this show, to me, is about)


lincolnimp August 28 2010, 07:23:40 UTC
you don't know me but: *squee* i love the show!


flash_indie August 28 2010, 07:50:54 UTC
i love it toooooo. it's so precious i can't even stand it. i'm seriously stoked for the next ep.


lincolnimp August 28 2010, 08:17:37 UTC
me too! i need to know why henry is there


tanisafan August 28 2010, 18:55:14 UTC
Downloading it now so I can give it a try, the trailer's made me curious!


flash_indie August 30 2010, 05:56:03 UTC
it's kind of cheesy, but it's a lot of fun. i think it's still finding its feet too, so fingers crossed it'll get better. it's super cute though.


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