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Comments 12

saytemptation June 25 2010, 12:19:45 UTC
I love Jesse and this is perfect. Thanks for sharing :)


flash_indie June 26 2010, 00:44:23 UTC
thank you! and you're welcome. :) i really like jesse too, i was hoping that him and rachel would get a better conclusion than they did, but oh well.


anonymous June 25 2010, 17:13:31 UTC
That was gorgeous. Please write something, anything else with this pairing.

"she follows with lost intentions and a new dress" - perfection. Love the tone of this, just... wow.


flash_indie June 26 2010, 00:44:53 UTC
thank you so much. they're an interesting pairing, so i probably will end up writing more. :)


crazy_thought June 25 2010, 20:49:33 UTC
he tone of this was amazing. you must write more st. berry!!


flash_indie June 26 2010, 00:45:57 UTC
thanks so much! i do plan to hopefully write some more. they're a great pairing to write.


This is a little nitpicky anonymous June 26 2010, 02:37:53 UTC
But how can Rachel have bought a new dress and have her shirt off in the same scene. Continuity errors bother me.


Re: This is a little nitpicky flash_indie June 26 2010, 11:01:18 UTC
lol, no, thank you for pointing it out! i've fixed that up. i don't get my shorter stuff beta'd so i miss things sometimes. thanks. :) hope you enjoyed it anyway.


pippazx July 1 2010, 06:44:46 UTC
You sound very poetic when you write! I really like the concept of Rachel and Jesse, "beyond Vocal Adrenaline and New Directions..." I really liked the bit about Rachel going home and scrubbing her hair. Good fic! :]


flash_indie July 9 2010, 01:07:56 UTC
Thank you so much. :) I like the idea of them post-school choirs as well, because I feel like those are the two that would end up on broadway together, whether they liked it or not.


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