AotW - Eskimo Joe - Black Fingernails, Red Wine (2006)

Dec 16, 2009 22:53

Once again, I fail at posting this on time, but here you go. A few days late, but still good.

I'm a pretty epic fan of Eskimo Joe, and I really have been since their second album 'A Song is a City'. I was initially going to rec that one, but reconsidered. 'Black Fingernails, Red Wine' is hands down my favourite album of theirs, although I do love their new one, 'Inshalla' as well.

I don't have a lot to say about the album strangely. Kav Temperley has one of my favourite singing voices of all time, and, for me, his ability to string lyrics together rivals some of the real talents of our generation, not purely in terms of loveliness, but for their ability, paired with his voice, to express an unmatched vulnerability. This album in particular has some really dark themes on it, that feel somehow raw and yet very accessible. It's actually slightly similar to Sean's from Empires, if that's a good salespitch for you all. ;)

One of my favourites off the album -

image Click to view


(Highlights? Most of it really. New York, Black Fingernails, Red Wine, London Bombs, Sarah, Suicide Girl)

aotw, recs, you make me wanna la la

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