I feel like I haven't posted in a while; judging by the volume of content below, that seems to be the case.
Yesterday after work, I fetched Jenny from the subway station and took her down to the South Street Seaport for the River to River Festival. (There would be pictures here, but even after replacing the batteries, Jenny's camera refused to turn on. So imagine a small stage on a wooden pier with tall ships and the Brooklyn Bridge in the background.) There were 3 bands playing, but our sole purpose for being there was Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. They've played the festival each of its 5 years, but without exception they've had some sort of major issue foul up their performance; things like the 2003 Blackout, "Biblical" flooding, a tornado watch, fun stuff like that. So when there was torrential rain and a brief tornado watch yesterday morning, I feared the streak would continue. Fortunately, that wasn't the case; we merely had to endure the shitty opening bands, Tokyo Police Club and the DC Snipers. But Ted? Did not disappoint. Lots of old stuff, lots of brand spankin' new songs, and the crowd did its best to sing along (it's no easy task, dude sings in crazy falsetto and zooms through most of his lyrics almost MicroMachines guy-style).
Thursday night was Greg's last in town before heading back to the 'Burgh, so he, Pat, Buzz, and I went bar crawling through Nyack. Or tried to. I have never had a bartender so actively ignore customers before, and in not one but the first two bars we hit up, Pat resorted to nudging his glass like in the meatball scene in Lady and the Tramp, and nary a refill was to be had.
Anyway, tonight I am going to a party that will probably easily pass for a 5th year high school reunion, which I guess could be awkward or interesting or something (hopefully, fun is included in that list). I have been led to understand that this party will involve watching the Super Bowl, which makes no sense whatsoever; my questions to the host about whether or not I can wager on the game's outcome went unanswered.
Oh, and for reference, this post is being constructed on a battery-less iBook; the old one was firmly in the recall range.
In other news:
- Chosen people indeed: Did you know that Scarlett Johansson is Jewish? Me neither. I'd invite her to my seder (by which I mean...eh I think you can figure it out with my use of X-rated language and diagrams). It's not like I would kick any of the other ladies featured in that article out of bed for eating crackers either. Except maybe Sarah Silverman, on the grounds that anyone who would date Jimmy Kimmel is deficient in some way.
- Crabs on the Hudson. Maybe those aforementioned bartenders were actually crab people; that would be the only logical excuse for their behavior.
- "My son walked up to Nicole on the beach and I was throwing the ball for the dogs in the ocean. And Max went over to this hot blonde behind me and I was just aghast. I was like, 'Max you get the dogs. I'll talk to the hot blondes.' And, so we switched." If you had to guess which sitcom actor uttered this line, would you be at all surprised to hear it was Dr. Cox?
- Claremont's own Mountain Goats have a new album out, and it's pretty bitchin'. They even have a music video.
- I was considering going to the City Opera to see Carmen in a few weeks, because they were offering tickets at a mere $25 bucks a pop. I discovered that it happened to be the last night that Stina is in town before she jets off to her playwriting program in Manchester, so it's a no-go. Boo.
- I track popular YouTube and Google Video stuff for work, and the work of one lonelygirl15 has been cropping up a lot lately. The Times' TV columnist has been watching too, and has a summary of her work and the controversy surrounding it.
- Speaking of work, I have been actively avoiding pitching a Snakes on a Plane game since January, despite the urgings of some of my co-workers. Apparently, some other company's licensor was not so wise.
- One of my competitors believes that Mobile Games will outsell Console Games this year. Wow.
- Verizon Introduces New Charge-You-At-Whim Plan.
- I think I need to buy a PS2, for the express purpose of playing Guitar Hero and its upcoming sequel. The ability to play Sweet Child O' Mine and Free Bird? Yes please.