Oh Uwe Boll, is there anything you can't fuck up?
Thats right, the video game movie director everybody loves to hate has done it again. I must say, I was actually surprised at how bad this was. Seriously, I went into the movie fully expecting it to suck hard balls! I've seen the kind of movies Uwe Boll makes. But this time I really thought he had finally taken on something he could handle. I mean this movie pretty much required one thing. A gun toating psychopath laying waste to everything he sees. And even with a premiss THAT simple, Uwe Boll fell flat on his lame ass wanna-be directing face. Instead he decided to have about 5 different plot lines flail around aimlessly for an hour and a half, then when it was obvious there would be no satisfying resolution, he (literally) nukes the whole thing.
I will admit, although few and far between, the movie does have its moments. There are actually some genuinely funny, edgy and WAY over the top parts that ALMOST make the movie worthwhile. But are soon there after buried under tons of mindless, boring, nonsensical plot shit.
Zack Ward, despite given very few chances to shine, is Damn hilarious! Even in a shit heap of film such as this, he puts in his all, whether kicking ass or goofing around. I really hope he is recognized for his efforts. He deserves to be considered more than just a 3rd rate actor at this point.
At the end of it all I really don't think it can be considered too surprising that Uwe Boll once again has failed at delivering anything worthwhile here. If you are like me, just wanting to watch out of sick curiosity, just wait and rent it. Its really not worth tracking down at one of the handful of theaters its playing at. Otherwise, as per usual with Boll's movies. Avoid at all costs! :-P
1 Kitty Silencer out of 5
Weak Sauce Uwe, Weak Sauce!