Nov 08, 2007 17:30
So Lately I've gotten into the habit of going home for lunch for a quick mid-day unwind by playing Guitar Hero for a magical 6 minutes (if everything is timed right)
I only get a half hour for lunch so heres how the breakdown goes:
♦ I clock out usually around 1pm
I've started clocking out in the warehouse
now cause the clock down there is closer to
the door which gets me almost an extra minute
to work with.
♦ Next is the drive to my apartment
On average this takes about 10-12 minutes
depending on traffic which more times than
not is shitty this time of day.
♦ Park the car!
This is the real gamble of the whole trip.
If I get stuck behind an asshole waiting
for someone to pull out of their parking
spot I could easily lose a good 3 minutes!
Damn me for having live downtown :-P
♦ Finally at home
At this point its usually about 1:12pm,
Time is nearly half up and I still need to get back!
♦ Guitar Hero time!
I usually get one song in and if I have
time I might make some PB toast for lunch. Yummy!
♦ 1:20, Time to get my ass back to work!
For some reason the drive back always takes
a little less time. I usually pull into the
parking lot with a minute or two to spare.
♦ Clock back in @ 1:30pm
Aw, another relaxing lunch break.
Time to get back to paying my bills :-D
guitar hero,
video games