I feel like a broken shell of a person. Like the willpower that I've been so proud of myself for building up has been severely cracked. What is wrong with me!? Arn't I suppose to be passed this already? Shouldn't I have found some glimmer of hope or reason to hold onto at this point, to at least give me enough comfort to know that the decision I made was a good one?
This weekend was great! I had lots of fun. Got to visit and spend time with many people I hadn't seen for a long time. Even had many great laughs. But at the end of it all it was just a huge reminder of what I no longer have.
It seems that the only person who hasn't accepted and moved forward with the way things are now is the last person I ever expected, me. If I can't get past this one choice that I made, how can I ever hope to be confident in any I'm to make in the future?
I think the
Cold Air is starting to sting...
It didn't help hearing
This Song this morning for the first time either. How is it I've had this damn song for so long and I have never listened to it until just THIS morning!? I swear sometimes My iPod knows exactly what is going on!