Well this morning has been absolutely wonderful so far. I was on my way to Hagen before work when I got pulled over, in the parking lot actually. I guess I was going too fast in the school zone there on Woburn. Of course my glove box was a mess so the officer had to help me figure out which papers she needed. I figured I might get a warning of maybe a minor ticket seeing as how I've had no infractions on me since like 2001. But no, this bitch slapped me with everything she could. I guess it wasn't my current registration that I had in my glove box so that right there was $112. Grand total $177! WTF!?!
I'm pissed, it was a total speed trap set up. I saw her pull over another person not 10 minutes later for the same thing. So just be careful if your driving Woburn today. It seems their looking to make examples of people.
I can only hope this is Karma setting me up for something really good to happen. What a shitty way to start the day.