Jul 21, 2005 16:49
I'm not one to do these, but I'm bored so here goes
Favorites <33
1. gum: Eclipse spearmint
2. restaurant: Carrabbas'
3. drink: Raspberry Soda
4. season: Early Fall
5. type of weather: Cool and dry
6. emotion: Togetherness
7. what to do on a half day: Study or sleep
9.Sport: If acting's a sport I guess so
10. city: Ocean City, NJ
11. store: Wal-Mart
_______When was the last time you_______
12. cried: It's been a while, mabe 2 months
13. played a sport: wow even longer, maybe 6 months
14. laughed: an hour ago
15. hugged someone: 2 days ago
16. kissed someone: WOW, just topped sports, 9 months?(HELP I NEED SOMEBODY)(oh beatles u know me so well)
17. felt depressed: NOW
18. felt overworked: Now
19. faked sick: 5 years
20. lied: prolly sometime this week (I try not to)
______What was the last_______
21. word you said: funny
22. thing you ate: Blackened Chicken something from APPLEBEE's
23. song you listened to: Some song Mandi likes a lot
24. thing you drank: Orange Soda
25. place you went to: Mandi's Appt
26. movie you saw: Breakfast Club
27. movie you rented: Closer
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. hugged: Mandi
29. cried over: Drea
30. kissed: Penney
31. danced with: Drea
32. shared a secret with: I dunno
33. had a sleepover with: Keith
34. called: Drea
35. went to a movie with: Jamie
36. saw: Faf(13 yr old Bro)
37. were angry with: The world
38. couldn't take your eyes off of: Mandi
39. obsessed over: Drea
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain:Yes, With JESSICA!
41. kissed someone: yeah
42. smoked: very little
43. drank alcohol: very little
46. gone too far on a dare: Don't Recall( oh wait yes)
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yeah
48. taken a survey quite like this before: no
_______My life_______
49. name: Alex
50. gender: male
51. birthday: June 3rd
52. relationship status: Available(16+, attractive,female, email me Shatter07@hotmail.com
53. nationality: White
54. occupation: Student
55. i'm feeling: Impatient
56. i'm listening to: the computer hum
57. i'm doing: this survey
58. i'm talking to: no one
59. i'm craving: a relationship
60. i'm thinking of: Drea
61. i'm hating: the way things are right now(me too)
62. love is: Only real if it lasts
63. my first love: hmm actual love Jessica Patrick
64. my current love: Emptiness
65. love or lust: At this point either
66. best love song: Everybody's Changing (Keane)
68. when love hurts: Let it go. I can't but you should.
69. is there such thing as love at first sight: No the fact that we can see, hinders our ability to love
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn ons: Dark red hair, slim, fun-loving, happy.
71. turn offs: Confusing, mixed signal sender.
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: Very little
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into? just past shoulder length
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you? Be with me.
75. where do you go to meet new people? I don't that's why I'm still single.
76. are you the type of person to HOLLa and ask for numbers? No
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: dog
78. short or long hair: short
79. sunshine or rain: Rain, Red rain
80. hugs or kisses: I need a kiss I get hugs all the time
81. summer or winter: Fall
82. written letters or e-mails: Letters
83. playstation or nintendo: Playstation
84. car or motorcycle: Jetta
85. house party or club: House party
86. sing or dance: Sing
87. freak or slow dance: Slow
88. how are you today? Eager to find a significant other.
89. what pants are you wearing right now? Blue Jeans
90. what shirt are you wearing right now? Red Shirt Says(A penny for your thoughts, a dollar if you flash me)
91. what does your hair look like at the moment? under a hat
92. what song are you listening to right now? Carlos Mencia
93. how is the weather right now? Looks bleak, about to rain.
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone? Drea
95. whats the thing on your mind? # 28 or #29 I'd like a new one though