Wiki Birthday Meme

Apr 03, 2007 16:18

Go to Wikipedia and look up your birth day (excluding the year). List three neat facts, three births and three deaths in your journal, including the year.

October 11

*Three Facts
1890 - In Washington, DC, the Daughters of the American Revolution is founded.
1939 - Franklin D. Roosevelt receives letter from Einstein about atom bomb.
2006 - A small plane owned and piloted by NY Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle, crashes into a high-rise apartment block in Manhattan, NYC, damaging several apartments and sending fiery debris crashing to the street. Lidle and his instructor are killed.

*Three Births
1884 - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States
1965 - Luke Perry, American actor
1985 - Michelle Trachtenberg, American actress

*Three Deaths
1347 - Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor
1991 - Redd Foxx, American comedian and actor
2004 - Keith Miller, Australian sportsman

Meditrinalia is held in honor of Meditrina, Roman Empire
1975 -''Saturday Night Live'' made its debut on NBC.
National Coming Out day, United States

Snagged from


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