Da Rulez!
1. Comment on this post.
2. I will give you a letter (if you want one)
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.
I commented on
bringthefate's post and she gave me C. (For a brief moment I panicked but then I realized I actually love/like a lot of characters that start with C)
1. Chris Perry from the Television Show CHARMED.
It was an instant love as soon as Chris appeared in S6, other than Piper, he was the only other reason why I continued to watch Charmed. He was just really amazing and I cried like a little baby when he(/adult him) died.
2. Cappie from the Television Show GREEK.
I only watched like one episode on vacation at a beach house (they had cable!) and it was like instant f**king love for me. Then I did a marathon of the show when I got back and I never regretted it. The show was amazing, but it was mainly because of Cappie - he's hilarious, can make you both be very annoyed at him and love him, snarky, and he show every emotion out there really well.
3. Chloe Sullivan from the Television Show SMALLVILLE.
Since the moment I watched the pilot, Chloe became my favorite character and that hasn't changed ONCE during the whole 10 seasons (& beyond) - I mean yeah I have a few other favorites (Oliver, AC, Zatanna, Bart & Clark sometimes) on the show, but there is no one I love more than Chloe even after the debacle of Jimmy & Davis relationships. She's also the only character that I can currently remember of loving a ship before it actually occurs in canon (Oliver/Chloe). Sure I would have loved seeing Clark/Chloe (or at least more scenes together), and I am actually a fan of the theory that Chloe is the Real Lois Lane.
4. Castiel from the Television Show SUPERNATURAL.
Who doesn't love Castiel? That's a question I can't really answer, and yes I've fallen behind on Supernatural (missed first half of S7) but I still love Castiel. He's actually sort of the only {canon} guy I could ship with Dean or Sam. He's just so adorable and I love his interactions with Sam and Dean.
5. Cyclops aka Scott Summers from the X-MEN SERIES. Literally any incarnate.
Ok so technically Scott really starts with an S, but it didn't say I couldn't take from codenames! Anyway, Scott has ALWAYS been my favorite X-Men for as long as first started watching the cartoon (my first introduction to X-Men). I still love him in the comics despite what anyone else might say and I loved him in the X-Men films despite the disappointing & lackluster ending of him. Also loved him in Wolverine & The X-Men, Anime X-men & X-men: Evolution. And yes I've gathered more X-men favorites since the first time I watched X-Men: The Animated Series, but never once did I stop loving Scott. ;D
----- A few more favorites:
6. Caroline Forbes from the Television Show THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.
I have not read the books so I can't comment if I would like her there or not. So that's out of the way, it might not have be an instant love for me for this character, since I loved Elena first (don't shoot me) but Caroline quickly grew on me and now she's one of my favorite TVD characters. Seriously I can practically ship her with anyone (except Tyler, sorry, I just can't). I love how she is sort of like a Barbie Vampire and love how she interacts with Stefan & Damon, and Matt, Bonnie & Elena, and most recently love how she interacts with Klaus.
7. Charlie Weasley from the book/film series HARRY POTTER.
He's sort of not really there, yet he is kind of character in the series since he's already graduated and lives in a different country most of the time. But he works with DRAGONS. How can you not love a character that does that? Also I love the idea of Hermione falling for him. :) I mean, seriously, could you see her working with dragons & falling in love with her best friend's older brother?
8. Captain America aka Steve Rodgers from the MARVEL FILMS UNIVERSE (Avengers/Capt America: First Avenger).
I always sort of loved Captain America, but I never really read any of his comics or the Avengers, so I sort of missed that boat, but I absolutely adored his film (where Chris Evans plays him), seriously, it was instant love. He was so adorable kid that it was hard not to, and of course the serum improved him, but his personality didn't change much, which was very good.Personally, I can't wait to see what happens in the Avengers movie.
9. Clint Barton aka Hawkeye from the MARVEL FILMS UNIVERSE (Avengers/Thor)
I had absolutely no clue who he was in the Thor film at first... again, I didn't read the Avengers so I don't know all of them that well. But anyway, he was played by one of my favorite actors and he's just so snarky that I liked him instantly. Can't wait to see more of him in the Avengers film. Also, it recently been brought to my attention at how awesome he is.... mainly because of Clint/Darcy fanfiction. (Darcy is from the Thor film) Seriously I haven't seen a Clint/Darcy fic I didn't like/love. ;D