Jan 17, 2005 20:58
"you seem like someone that should have a blog. i just decided that." - natalie.
well i do. but i just never update.
it's alright tho. a new year, a new dedication to my livejournal.
i thought of switching blogs, but i figure i'm on a bunch of peoples' friends lists so i'm not gonna mess with that.
i will update in the way that jeanault always asks me to update my life to him: "school, boys, life in general".
school has been interesting lately. i was in honours, got kicked out, got back in, got kicked back out, and now my educational future hangs in the balance. s'alright tho. i'm doing way better than i usually do, but god knows that's not good enough. things'll get better i hope.
in better news i'm running for president of the students union. god only knows why. apparently i don't meet the requirements. "you aren't tall enough". you think i'm kidding. nope. someone actually had the balls to tell me that. i think the only reason i'm still in it, is because harrison is running with me. that guy makes me love life. so does sarah hill.
boys are hilarious. and i love them. christmas break was an interesting time, but that's all over and done with now. i essentially returned to my ways as a makeout bandit and that works for me. most boys at this school are lame. or i'm just looking in the wrong places. in any case. i called ben on friday when i was drunk and so was he and we made plans to have sex in the summer when he comes home. most hilarious conversation of my life. other than that, i'm essentially useless. making out with randoms or not so randoms, seems to be my thing for now. sarah hill is awesome.
life in general is a gongshow. my dad and i actually made it through christmas break without killing eachother, which is amazing. however, i have yet to talk to him since, which is less great, however i have come to expect very little with regards to our relationship. i auditioned for the vagina monologues on saturday afternoon. that was pretty fun. i was ridiculously hungover so i wasn't so great, but i gave it a good shot. i'm supposed to be going home this weekend for an n-trip meeting at acadia and then fleen's birthday party, but i just found out that it's going to snow (again!), so we'll have to see about that. my house is a little intense lately as my roommates all want eachother to die. if i get told to turn down my (already barely audible) music one more time, someone is going to lose an eye. i'm stoked to live with nancy next year where we won't (hopefully) kill eachother. i feel like there's no time in my life to do anything anymore tho. i'm always go go go and for some reason i feel the need to keep adding things to my plate. that's what i get for being one of those damn involved kids. ps. did i mention that sarah hill is my favourite ever?
i have a new favourite show. it's called "life as we know it". no one watches it i'm sure, because it's on in the same time slot as the o.c. i tell ya tho, it's amazing. so good. "i hear you've been prescribing eachother teenage dramas"
i miss home. i hate that i always have to go there for meetings and stuff because it's like a tease for my emotions. but i suppose something is better than nothing. speaking of which i have a huge rant that i just thought of, but i'll save that for another day.
alright folks, hopefully this is pleasing to you. i promise i'll make an effort to update more often and tell you fun things. and if you have ideas for my campaign, tell me. because i want you to.
ps. if your name is sarah hill than you should highlight the entry and then read.