happy moments of today:
-left my house at 7am and it was already super warm!!
-my uncle called me at work :):):):):):)
-no one yelled at me on the phones today
-i had a british AND an irish person call me
-i got to hang out with matthew last night and woke up feeling smiley because of it.
-ian left the most adorable message on the haven and i loved it
-semel got home.. finally!!
-greekfest is this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that is all. but it was still a happy day.
flara's LJ stalker is incredible_hulk!incredible_hulk is stalking you because you got better results for the 'acronym' thing than them. They are also prank calling you regularly!
LJ Stalker FinderFrom
Go-Quiz.com woohoo.. that's mackenzie.. i love being stalked by mackenzie :)