1st - Calculus BC AP with Walton
2nd - Search for a Perfect Society with Bires (1st semester)
2nd - Contemporary Fiction with Latham (2nd semester)
3rd - Spanish Literature with Paco
4th - European History AP with Smith
5th - Physics C AP with Mouron
6th - Lab
7th - Wind Ensemble with Alverson (first semester)
7th - Seminar in World Religions with Snodgrass (2nd semester)
8th - free (except not really)
Plus...don't forget:
Pennant - four afternoons per week (meets after 8th period). I get to call the shots this year :p
Swim Team Manager shit - varies...but I'll have to do this during 8th period
Orchestra - Tuesday nights 6:30-8:00
Pep band - eats up my Friday nights during the fall
Guitar lesson - right now, it's Thursday at 4:00. I'm going to have to move it later...like 5:00ish.
Guitar teaching - If my student is going to continue with lessons, we're going to have to find another time because Tuesday afternoon won't really work, now will it?
Independent Study - I haven't heard any word about whether or not I got the IS or not. If I did, then I'm saying goodbye to the swim team, so I can have 8th period to do this.
AURA - Aura needs to practice on the weekends. Evan will be in town this year, so it should be very easy for us to get together more frequently.
Zammarin (This is the church band name for those who don't know). Rehearsal is every Saturday at 10:45. I have to be at church at 7:30 every Sunday morning for setting up equipment.
For some reason, I can see a pretty stressful year ahead. I talked to some students who had calculus and physics last year. The general consensus was to expect several hours of homework nightly. I guess I can't wait until 12:00 to start my homework anymore. I also talked to Mr. Smith (AP Euro teacher), and he warned me of lots of nightly reading and lots of writing. I can probably expect a ton of work from that class. Spanish Literature is going to require lots of reading (go figure...reading in a literature class, who wooda thunk?). I hope the English courses aren't too demanding. I really hope Mr. Alverson enforces the 150 minutes of practice per week rule. For the math-lazy, that means 5 30-minute sessions of practice (I need to practice more than that if I want to make All-State this year) On top of that, I'm going to try to force myself to practice saxophone (ideally, also 150 minutes per week, but I sincerely doubt that will happen). And, of course, there's guitar, which needs to be practiced an hour or more every day.
So...I'm pretty much insane. Just judging from the way everything looks so far:
Mondays, I will probably be finished with Pennant around 4:30 or 5:00. My best bet would be to go ahead and get in 30 minutes or more of flute practice, eat dinner at school, do some or all of my homework at school, then go home. That way, I don't have to haul as many books back and forth between school and home. And, if I come home to do all my homework, I will just get distracted (AIM, myspace, livejournal, tv, Xbox, etc.) Depending on homework load, that would mean getting home at 9ish. I could practice guitar for an hour, then just chill before I go to bed.
Tuesdays - Pennant until 4:30 or 5. I'd have time to either do some homework or get some practice time in before dinner at 5:30 at school. Orhcestra until 8. Get home at 8:30ish. Force myself to practice guitar for a while. Then, I have two options. 1) Stay up really late doing homework then sleep in on Wednesday morning. It's a late day plus it looks like I'll have 6th period free again on Wed. mornings. 2) Do some homework, go to bed at a reasonable hour, and wake up early to finish.
Wednesday - probably about the same as Monday.
Thursday - after Pennant, I'd go to guitar. Come home. Eat dinner. Practice. Homework.
Friday - no Pennant. Done with school at 3:00. At this point, I'm probably going to just chill until I have to be somewhere for pep band.
Saturdays and Sundays will be a mixture of rehearsal, getting together with Aura, hanging out with people, detailing cars, cutting grass, doing homework, and practicing guitar and flute.
I know I'm going to busy as hell. I know I'm going to be stressed as hell. I know I'm going to be bitching about being busy as hell and stressed as hell. At the same time, though, I'm really looking forward to this year. I love accomplishing shit. If I make it through this year okay, I'm going to feel so unbefuckinglievably awesome. I am so ready for this.
Whew, that was long.