Sep 23, 2005 05:07
I shoulda just left my lj alone. Now the colors arent right and it looks horrible... ughhhhhhhh..... I have a very love/hate relationship with the internet in general as of late.. lol
Ok... I'm going to be normal and "update"-- Since everyone's dyinggg to know what I have been up to... It's called sarcasm :P lol
Had a "OMG I feel so reatarded minute today"... photographer called to confirm saturday and I'm like, "HUH?" I KNEW... just didn't realize it was so soon... make sense? Anyway, they should come out cool. Just doing 1920's stuff... which is kinda all he does. So, at least *I'LL* like them. (remind me when I start bitching that I book too much 20's stuff that I was excited to shoot with this guy at least, ok? LOL)
I can write this here because Julie doesn't have a LJ... (now she will read this... mark my words) but I have a GREAT and wonderful plan.... (none of you care... actually.. I don't think any of my "other" friends know her. She's a model, enough, I'm kidding. I am!)
ANYWAY, here's my plan...
Last weekend I hung out with Jason (photographer... also does gaphic design/works for some kind of enviromental magazine...... and isn't a Democrat.. but isn't a Republican really... Huh???) and he has two younger twin brothers. (27, he's... 30 something I forget.. early 30's) annnnnnnnddddddd I'm gonna hook Julie up with his brother Bryan. (I'm so two-faced... I never let anyone set me up with any kind of date, ever.. but I CANT help it.) He'll love her... seriously, I have a *feeling* about it. I just had to promise to go out with her in the city after she met him. (I'm getting so bored of the same 3 "trendy" clubs over and over and over....... argh.)
Soooo... yeah. That is my 'great and wonderful plan.' It won't work, but who knows? She isn't with anyone. He isn't. And they both wanna be. Get them drunk and...... who knows? lol :P
Umm... what else...
Working a lot.. not as much as last week & the one before (THANK GOD!) and am *ALMOST* at the measurements I want... (I want 34"/24"/24") measured it all for a stylist today and I'm at 34" - 24"&1/2 - 35"&1/3... getting there dammit. ALMOST. Stupid inch... I can't even tell the difference honestly... and neither could anyone else unless they measured me.
Anyways, hung out with Ivo (I'm think I have told you about him Liz--- you'd really like him) and his friend Daichi and saw a friend of theirs play. Well, sing actually... but you know what I mean. Thennnn ate Japanese food... (which I seriously dont think I have eaten before... my dad eats sushi and I have eaten.... rice... and ice cream... lol.. does that count?)
I've been "talking" to Ivo online (I *never* said I wasn't a nerd.....)and on the phone for like... since the spring? I dunno, a while tho.... So yeah, it was nice to "meet" him. Oh, and hes gorgeous. :P But, y'know, thats just an afterthought and all.... lol
Ok... gotta go pick up the kitten.. he has like.. anxiety if he isn't cuddled a lot... and starts meowing insanely... then you try to pick him up and he runs... so I should change that to, "gotta go chase the kitten until he 'petends' he doesn't see me, lets me pick him up and then starst purring incessently."
Yeah. Thats more like it.