Man: The Wielder

Feb 07, 2007 13:28

Control. It is always about control, circumstance(s) that is. Always attempting to control, to wield, is man. I for instance just controlled my dogs on a walk, and then after that the fire. I tended to both; made sure the dogs had fun and exhausted themselves, the fire I made sure that it was hot, that it was burning, not suffocating. Each time though, I could control what happened and what would not happen. I think that man knows that he cannot control any and/or everything. So what he can control, what he can wield, he does.

Some have molded the malleable land, wielding it to his/her desires, some animals, and crops, too; others bacteria (i.e. a scientist or terrorist). Some people have even wielded thoughts, desires, emotions, dreams and aspirations. Yet, some still go further and control one another; another person that is. This, however, was deemed to be wrong, and it is. It should never be done. Control is about having the power, but not always using it; trusting what one controls. Like the dogs. Giving them a little trust, and a little freedom, letting them off the leash. This promotes true reaction, and true reaction is free will. Letting go is the only way that man can feel like (G)god, watching, observing- not manipulating.

Somethings, however, can't have freedom, like the fire. I don't trust it, nor do I wish it to burn the house to the ground. Possibly, things need to be kept in restraint for comfort, for control, for safety. Somethings should never get so far out of whack that they can't be fixed. Or is this hippocritical? Most likely, but as Walt said: "Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself ( I am large, I contain multitudes)." And that, I find to be true. It is and will always be true. Each and every abide by this, these contradictions of control. Man duel-wields his emotions and his things (possesions, owned or not). His heart on his sleeve and his hopes in his hand. Retracting, man does what is best for himself, for survival. Whether that be for better or worse, that is what he does, what he thinks to do is best for him.

That is man, and oxymoron of freewill and ability (limited or otherwise).
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