history review

Jun 13, 2006 22:07

Dear Mr. Upton Sinclair,
Mister Sinclair, i sit down now on lj because i want to thank you. I want to thank you for writing your book The Jungle, which you wrote to make people see the torturous conditions that people worked under at meat packing plants during the progressive era. Although the book did not have your intended effect of changing laws for the working class, it did result in the Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act. These two acts created large amounts of sheer and utter hilarity amongst myself and my friends while studying for our history final earlier today. For example "I need to inspect your meat" or "I need to label your package". It was some pretty good times. So thank you Mr. Upton Sinclair (or as we call you, uptown eclair). Without your hard work and dedication, my friends and i would not have had such a fabulous time nearly a century later.
Carla Ricci

ps- Titty, Taffy and Willy = the progressive presidents
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