Nov 26, 2008 14:43

FINALLY!  I picked up my subscriptions at Ultimate Comics. YAAAY!  So nice to have time to sit and read without having to worry about class and stuff.  And, luckily for you, I have time to review what I've read.

X-Men: Manifest Destiny

Issues 1-3 out of 5

A series of short stories on how the X-men are doing in San Francisco.  Nothing to do with Secret Invasion or Ghost Boxes, just some updates on how the different characters are adapting to the new Institute.  Each issue has three stories, and each is written and illustrated/inked by different writers/artists.  Really cool.

Finally explained who Greymalkin is - a hundred or so years ago, his father caught him with another boy in their barn, and beat him almost to death.  Then, he buried him alive.  Great, thanks dad.  His mutant powers activated, and Grimalkin managed to live for a few decades before being 'excavated'.  Talk about a shitty coming-out story.  And of course, he's telling all this to Anole, the other token gay X-man.  Still, gay content.  Always good.  And it was written by a male writer, too!  Yay!

A little Emma Frost: "But I'm a bad guy, why does Cyclops love me, I feel so isolated from everybody else, blahblahblah."  It was actually really sad and good, I like her a lot more than I did initially, that's for sure.  Anyone but Jean Grey, really.

Colossus is still torn up about Kitty.  Well, so am I.  Joss Whedon, you bastard.  If I didn't love Buffy and Firefly and Runaways, I'd hunt you down and smack you in the face.  Repeatedly.  Oh, and thanks for dropping the Wonder Woman project, you jerk.  Raaarr.  There's a gay parade/party thing in this story though, which is good.  Hooray for San Francisco!

colossus, marvel

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